No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?

The PC edition of Batman: Arkham Knight that is so broken that it is no longer being sold may not be ready for release until autumn, reports Kotaku Australia, who call the game's release window spring since they are in the southern hemisphere (thanks VG247). This is unconfirmed, as they have what's purported to be an internal email from EB Games recalling all stock on the game based on how long it will be before it can be sold once more. Here's word:
“As previously advised,” read an internal EB Games email, “we have stopped sales of Batman: Arkham Knight PC while Warner and Rocksteady work on addressing performance issues with the game. The latest information from Warner is that the updates won’t be available until Spring. Due to this we have made the difficult decision to recall all PC stock from stores to return to the vendor until an acceptable solution is released.”
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Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 17, 2015, 12:16
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 17, 2015, 12:16
Jul 17, 2015, 12:16
Quinn wrote on Jul 17, 2015, 08:17:
Krowen wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 23:38:
Quinn wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 16:14:
I do agree it is a clusterfuck but so were other titles at early release.

No one gives a shit, stop making excuses for this shitty port that had to be pulled from the market.

My point is that you are shortsighted. My point is that if there was no refund policy, there was no pulling from the market. My point is that it's overexaggerated bullshit born from PC community vocal nutjobs, mostly, and a decision made in panic by a publisher due to the refund policy.

I believe -- and admit it's likely! -- that if the game was never pulled... A new patch or patches would have already been released, let alone the DLC.

Your statements contradict themselves. If it was a refund-based decision, it wasn't from a minority. That's not how corporations work. They probably had a crapload of refunds, and it hit their bottom-line. And that's how you make them dance.

Anyways, they deserve all the shit they get. Maybe next time they won't have trained monkeys do the port job.
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 17, 2015, 11:38
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 17, 2015, 11:38
Jul 17, 2015, 11:38
There is no doubt the refunds have everything to do with pulling it. Good.

The refund system so far is working perfectly. There has been no other game with mass-refunds and there have been plenty of releases now since the refund option has kicked in. so it proves as a whole we will not abuse it and use it correctly.

They need to suck it up and step up. Great day in gaming, let alone PC gaming.
Avatar 17232
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 17, 2015, 08:17
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 17, 2015, 08:17
Jul 17, 2015, 08:17
Krowen wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 23:38:
Quinn wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 16:14:
I do agree it is a clusterfuck but so were other titles at early release.

No one gives a shit, stop making excuses for this shitty port that had to be pulled from the market.

My point is that you are shortsighted. My point is that if there was no refund policy, there was no pulling from the market. My point is that it's overexaggerated bullshit born from PC community vocal nutjobs, mostly, and a decision made in panic by a publisher due to the refund policy.

I believe -- and admit it's likely! -- that if the game was never pulled... A new patch or patches would have already been released, let alone the DLC.
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 23:38
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 23:38
Jul 16, 2015, 23:38
Quinn wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 16:14:
I do agree it is a clusterfuck but so were other titles at early release.

No one gives a shit, stop making excuses for this shitty port that had to be pulled from the market.
Re: Into the Black
Jul 16, 2015, 23:35
Re: Into the Black Jul 16, 2015, 23:35
Jul 16, 2015, 23:35
NegaDeath wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 23:06:
Saboth wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 22:02:
I've got two of these Batman games sitting in my Steam Library. Erm...Arkham Asylum and City. I think I played about 2-3 hours of City, but it really was monotonous and just lost interest and freed up HD space by deleting it. I dunno, they just didn't grab me, and this one looked the same.

You might like the first one more. It's a very guided and story driven experience that doesn't have the repetition of an open world game. Imo it's the best of the series, but then I prefer that style of game.

Honestly, I still think Asylum is my favorite. Start there. It has less of a focus on gadgets and more on being sneaky. Once everyone in City got rifles and I had 3 million gadgets, I didn't enjoy it as much. Knight is decent, but it over relies on the Batmobile, and they keep adding combo after combo until it feels like a fighting game (to beat enemy X, you have to use combo Y, etc, etc).

I just like being a sneaky motherfucker and grabbing people from the shadows.

Re: Into the Black
Jul 16, 2015, 23:06
Re: Into the Black Jul 16, 2015, 23:06
Jul 16, 2015, 23:06
Saboth wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 22:02:
I've got two of these Batman games sitting in my Steam Library. Erm...Arkham Asylum and City. I think I played about 2-3 hours of City, but it really was monotonous and just lost interest and freed up HD space by deleting it. I dunno, they just didn't grab me, and this one looked the same.

You might like the first one more. It's a very guided and story driven experience that doesn't have the repetition of an open world game. Imo it's the best of the series, but then I prefer that style of game.
Avatar 57352
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 22:17
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 22:17
Jul 16, 2015, 22:17
I'm happy to wait till the end of the year if it means the game becomes playable.
"Money doesn't exist in the 24th century, the acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force in our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity." - Jean-Luc Picard
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 22:02
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 22:02
Jul 16, 2015, 22:02
I've got two of these Batman games sitting in my Steam Library. Erm...Arkham Asylum and City. I think I played about 2-3 hours of City, but it really was monotonous and just lost interest and freed up HD space by deleting it. I dunno, they just didn't grab me, and this one looked the same.
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 21:07
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 21:07
Jul 16, 2015, 21:07
Sucks that I have to wait so long for the DLC that I already paid for. I had no real issues with the game. The only slowdown I experienced was when the cinematic camera took over when you summoned the car. As the car skidded around and Bats jumped up to get in, the frame rate would dip to nearly 30. The rest of the time I was trucking along at around 60 fps at 1080p and everything on.

Phenom II 970 Black (stock clock)
Win7 64-bit
EVGA GTX 980 superclocked edition
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 20:34
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 20:34
Jul 16, 2015, 20:34
A few weeks, ok. A few months, not ok.

Hopefully WB & Rocksteady will make statement regarding this.

Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 20:02
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 20:02
Jul 16, 2015, 20:02
For some reason I feel WB is totally ok with any delay now and feel like they are getting back at us if it is no time soon. Like go away... There's money if you want to do it right.

This comment was edited on Jul 16, 2015, 20:10.
Avatar 17232
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 18:51
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 18:51
Jul 16, 2015, 18:51
Sempai wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 18:18:
I see a marketing opportunity here for WB.

Re-release it in the fall! Batman Arkham Knight RE-MASTERD HD!
Buy it now for the kids for that perfect gift under the tree!

And it's hilarious that more than a decade later, video game publishers/devs STILL do not give one single fuck about SLI/CF, and why gamers go on spending their money on 2 cards instead of 1.

Things never change.

Yeah, well... Time to learn from it perhaps? I always felt like a single top-end GPU was better than 2 lessers and I didn't feel like spending the money for 2 top-ends. There's always been fucking issues with SLI/CF. Always. To me, that's always been a "Oooo K... No thank you.".
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 18:18
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 18:18
Jul 16, 2015, 18:18
I see a marketing opportunity here for WB.

Re-release it in the fall! Batman Arkham Knight RE-MASTERD HD!
Buy it now for the kids for that perfect gift under the tree!

And it's hilarious that more than a decade later, video game publishers/devs STILL do not give one single fuck about SLI/CF, and why gamers go on spending their money on 2 cards instead of 1.

Things never change.
Avatar 33180
Re: Blizzard's Overwatch Hits TM Snag
Jul 16, 2015, 17:27
Re: Blizzard's Overwatch Hits TM Snag Jul 16, 2015, 17:27
Jul 16, 2015, 17:27
Kxmode wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 15:47:
I am Bat-..... ... . ... .. .. ... .... Flapping in the nig- .. ... .. .... ... .... . .. . Joker is terroriz- .. .. ... ..


I LOLd so hard at this.
Avatar 23497
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 16:41
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 16:41
Jul 16, 2015, 16:41
Guess they didn't realize how big an impact Steam's new refund policy / user reviews would have on their sales. Companies like Egosoft releasing bug ridden crap like X3 Rebirth would be out of business.

What's the lesson here? Put an Early Access disclaimer on it charge the same amount and just tell everyone its in Alpha for the next 4+ years, then just abandon it.
Avatar 21440
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 16:19
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 16:19
Jul 16, 2015, 16:19
I'm enjoying Arkham Knight quite a bit on my Xbox One right now.
As I've said before, it's usually best to play console games on a console and PC games on a PC.
Although I'm primarily a PC gamer, I'm done with half-assed PC ports of console games.
Avatar 13530
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 16:14
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 16:14
Jul 16, 2015, 16:14
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 14:29:
Quinn wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 14:02:
If only they improved their data streaming a little so I would suffer a tad less micro-stuttering, it wouldve been enough for me. Now that it's off the shelves, I feel like I can say goodbye to the occasional patch that would've included said fix.

What most of you fail to realize is that this game is motherfucking gorgeous. The level of detail is insane all across the city. I honestly think that 80+% of the whiners simply have too weak a PC. The recommended specs were a lie.
If the game doesn't support SLI, as was mentioned earlier, then you can't say it's about not having the specs. I have a GTX 970 SLI setup and game at 1600p - without SLI I'm simply not going to get the performance I expect.

You can't say it's just whiners when the publisher considered the game so bad they decided to pull it entirely and spend months fixing it. I mean the game was capped at 30fps, FFS! Wanker Bros fucked up.

I do agree it is a clusterfuck but so were other titles at early release. DX11 wasn't implemented well for some games including a Batman title, for example, some other games were stupidly capped at 30fps too, and there are hoards of other examples. So many, in fact, that I'm actually mindblank atm :\ Most of these games get patched and FIXED within a month.

To me, this game shouldn't have been any different. It runs crap for most people, but for the high-end users it runs perfectly fine except for this fucking micro-stutter thing that does really piss me off.

Right now, I just hope Rocksteady isn't sweating blood and tears trying to get this gorgeous game to run with a solid 60fps on mid-end systems. But I think they will try, because after this removing-from-shelves leap they basically can't deliver anything less than that -- or so they will believe, and so will many dumb users. Re-releasing the game, whenever that will be, will be a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation, I'm afraid.

This is exactly why I don't see the refund policy as black-and-white but as a gray area. Over-emotional morons (aka majority of the vocal gaming community) will always -- ALWAYS! -- hit that refund button.

I just believe that if this game WAS NOT removed from the shelves, 3 pathes would have been out already. One of them fixing or at least improving the micro-stutter issue.
Re: Blizzard's Overwatch Hits TM Snag
Jul 16, 2015, 15:47
Re: Blizzard's Overwatch Hits TM Snag Jul 16, 2015, 15:47
Jul 16, 2015, 15:47
I am Bat-..... ... . ... .. .. ... .... Flapping in the nig- .. ... .. .... ... .... . .. . Joker is terroriz- .. .. ... ..

"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
Avatar 18786
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 15:46
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 15:46
Jul 16, 2015, 15:46
From what I've gathered it works ok on the 900 series cards so upgrading is a possible "fix". Don't try SLI though, just go single card. Beyond that I think all you can do is wait.

The Asus 970 strix card is the one I'm using and the game runs fine.
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall?
Jul 16, 2015, 14:37
Re: No PC Batman: Arkham Knight Until Fall? Jul 16, 2015, 14:37
Jul 16, 2015, 14:37
necrosis wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 14:28:
Comparing Batman: Arkham Knight to GTAV is like comparing a banana to pocket sand.

I don't like pocket sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like bananas. Bananas are soft and smooth.

As for the delay, if that is really the case WB just needs to come out and say that the game won't be fixed until then. Then, when it if Fall, they can change it to Spring, and then Summer, and then....
41 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 1.
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