theyarecomingforyou wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 14:29:
Quinn wrote on Jul 16, 2015, 14:02:
If only they improved their data streaming a little so I would suffer a tad less micro-stuttering, it wouldve been enough for me. Now that it's off the shelves, I feel like I can say goodbye to the occasional patch that would've included said fix.
What most of you fail to realize is that this game is motherfucking gorgeous. The level of detail is insane all across the city. I honestly think that 80+% of the whiners simply have too weak a PC. The recommended specs were a lie.
If the game doesn't support SLI, as was mentioned earlier, then you can't say it's about not having the specs. I have a GTX 970 SLI setup and game at 1600p - without SLI I'm simply not going to get the performance I expect.
You can't say it's just whiners when the publisher considered the game so bad they decided to pull it entirely and spend months fixing it. I mean the game was capped at 30fps, FFS! Wanker Bros fucked up.
I do agree it is a clusterfuck but so were other titles at early release. DX11 wasn't implemented well for some games including a Batman title, for example, some other games were stupidly capped at 30fps too, and there are hoards of other examples. So many, in fact, that I'm actually mindblank atm :\ Most of these games get patched and FIXED within a month.
To me, this game shouldn't have been any different. It runs crap for most people, but for the high-end users it runs perfectly fine except for this fucking micro-stutter thing that does really piss me off.
Right now, I just hope Rocksteady isn't sweating blood and tears trying to get this gorgeous game to run with a solid 60fps on mid-end systems. But I think they will try, because after this removing-from-shelves leap they basically can't deliver anything less than that -- or so they will believe, and so will many dumb users. Re-releasing the game, whenever that will be, will be a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation, I'm afraid.
This is exactly why I don't see the refund policy as black-and-white but as a gray area. Over-emotional morons (aka majority of the vocal gaming community) will always -- ALWAYS! -- hit that refund button.
I just believe that if this game WAS NOT removed from the shelves, 3 pathes would have been out already. One of them fixing or at least improving the micro-stutter issue.