WoW Tokens Near is currently down for scheduled maintenance, and this article explains that when it returns, the new version 6.1.2 patch will be live in World of Warcraft , paving the way for them to roll out the previously announced WoW tokens, which will add a new currency layer to the game. These will launch in the coming weeks, starting in the Americas, and will come to other territories after that. They take the opportunity to explain more on how this will work:
In the Americas game region, the price of a Token will be $20 USD (or roughly equivalent in each local currency). We’ll share additional regional pricing details as we get closer to launch.

Once purchased, a Token can then be put up for sale in a region-wide exchange via a new Game Time tab in the Auction House. (Note that while you’ll see the new Game Time tab in that auction house with the launch of Patch 6.1.2, it won’t be active until the WoW Token launches in your region.) While the rest of the Auction House will remain realm-based, a region-wide WoW Token exchange will provide the largest possible pool of prospective buyers and ensures everyone has access to a vibrant, active Token marketplace. In the Americas, Europe, Korea, and Taiwan, players who purchase a WoW Token from the Auction House will be able to redeem it for 30 days of game time.

Going for Gold
Because the Token exchange has to start somewhere, we will be setting the initial gold value of the WoW Token ourselves. The starting gold value in each region will be based on several factors, including regional in-game economies, but ultimately our goal is to select a fair and reasonable starting price. After that, the Token’s gold value will be determined dynamically based primarily on player supply and demand. Simply put, if more WoW Tokens are being listed than are being purchased, the price will automatically drift downward over time. If people are purchasing Tokens from the Auction House faster than they’re being put up for sale, then prices will go up accordingly. As a reminder, to help make sure players can trade WoW Tokens confidently, once a Token sells, the seller will receive the amount of gold they were quoted at the time they listed their Token.
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Re: WoW Tokens Near
Mar 25, 2015, 07:55
Re: WoW Tokens Near Mar 25, 2015, 07:55
Mar 25, 2015, 07:55
Couple of tidbits here:

1) you don't need to make an alt to buy the token. A button will appear on the logon screen offering to buy a token and apply it for you, and it'll take the gold evenly from across all your characters.

2) Nothing in WoW is Pay2Win. All you can buy, subscription (and now tokens) aside, are cosmetic stuff - mainly mounts and pets. I know over in Asia they've put a few things on sale for real money like XP boosts, but they've stated they have no plans to bring any of that to the West. Of course, they may change their mind, but I honestly think it just suits the culture in Asia more so they did it.

3) Some folk are complaining about the cost, but there's a precedent here - it's virtually identical to EVE Online's PLEX system that's been running for years, and makes sense imho. Why undercut or even match gamecards or subs? People would no longer buy them and cut off a revenue stream from folks that don't have debit or credit cards (read: teens).

4) At last count, WoW had over ten million subscribers. It's lowest ever point was 6.8 million. That's still a LOT of people. Judge those players however you like, but WoW isn't going anywhere soon.

Edit: Added a point.
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       Re: WoW Tokens Near
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       Re: WoW Tokens Near
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Re: WoW Tokens Near