Well he seemed to be implying that he was only playing the Main story (gold icon) quests, which is why I said that he was skipping "fucktons" of content :p OK, fucktons was probably a bit of an exaggeration, but I understand your point and I think we are on the same page now.
go from point A to B and kill shit by bow (ranged), sword (melee) or dagger (stealth).
That basically describes... every RPG ever? Every game ever? It's not really a good practice to devolve your hobbies into their simplest form... lest you realize how poorly you have actually been entertaining yourself :p Most games are pretty piss-poor forms of entertainment if you look at it that critically.
I thought the weapon side-quests were fairly entertaining and varied enough that I didn't feel like I was doing the same thing over and over at all. Especially the stealth ones. Maybe it's just the order I was doing things in split it up better... who knows. The slave quests were definitely repetitive, and I doubt i'll finish all of them on my playthrough (I'm at about 70% right now).
Could it use more content? Probably. For a sandbox/open world type game it does fall a bit on the short side... but we are still talking about 20+ hours of main/side quest content here... so it's really hard for me to say that isn't "enough" when compared to most other $60 games.