Alien: Isolation website has details on new difficulty modes Creative
Assembly has added to both ends of the spectrum for
Alien: Isolation,
their recently released survival/horror game (thanks nin). If you are a Ripley,
there's a new Nightmare mode offering greater challenges for your skills, and
there is also a new Novice mode if you are a Hicks, so you won't have to keep
declaring your game over, man. Here are the details:
Nightmare Mode:
We’ve seen a number of players with extremely strong dispositions demand more
challenges for their Alien: Isolation encounter – another try at survival
against tougher odds.
In response to your requests, we’ve created Nightmare Mode, a new difficulty
level, which should challenge players to beat the ultimate Alien: Isolation
Explore the world of Sevastopol with a motion tracker featuring a damaged
display and undependable information. Resources will be even more limited, the
map systems have gone offline and fellow survivors and synthetics are even more
deadly and aggressive.
In this heightened, terrifying atmosphere, our Alien will be hunting you like
never before. With an upgraded AI that has amplified its fatal hostility, every
step you take may be your last. Our monster is more adaptive, learning from your
tactics with chilling speed and with intensified senses that will give you no
second chances…
Novice Mode:
Similarly, we have had requests from the community to have more time and
breathing space with which to explore Sevastopol. Therefore, to balance the
horror of Nightmare Mode, we also have Novice Mode.
For those who may have already survived the terror first time around, take on
the experience again with more of a potential reprieve…
You’ll be given more resources and ammunition, with synthetics and fellow
survivors being less troublesome. Our Alien will also be more forgiving, more
easily distracted and less aggressive in his hunting style.