Prez wrote on Dec 7, 2014, 14:56:
Despite some negative reviews, I thought Origins was excellent. I think the trick for me enjoying the Batman games is letting enough time pass between playing each game, so the formula feels fresh again.
I didn't think Origin's deserved the negativity either, it was a perfectly solid presequel and I'd love to see more origins type stories/games, and also more done with that scene reconstruction mode. Even as smaller sized, DLC type addons, origins stories for the villains of Gotham would be really interesting.
As for this BatTank stuff, I think I agree with Cutter - just what is the point of this? It screams of, "we've made the world bigger! how can we fill it now?!? tanks!!!" Each one of these videos showing an armoured car blowing stuff up is a big turn off for me, and I've so far quite liked each game thus far.
Rockstar made $1 billion in 3 days with GTAV, yet they can't find the budget to port RDR to PC.