City of Heroes Revival?

This post from Nate Downes has word from the president of Missing Worlds Media and member of the City of Heroes community that the possibility exists that NCsoft will allow a community-driven revival of City of Heroes, the superhero MMORPG (thanks Massively). This is the subject of ongoing discussions, and the plan may change going forward, but for now Nate sounds guardedly optimistic:
The proposal as it stands right now (this is not a final form, just the current proposal on the table) is this:

The CoH IP would be spun to its own company, to handle licensing. This company would itself license the existing engine from NCSoft for the creation of a maintenance mode, using a binary copy of the i23 server.

The existing user database and characters are not part of this arrangement at this time, nor is the source code.

An arrangement is to be made to license the trademarks to the various Plan Z projects, CoT, Valiance and H&V, to create a family connection, and to allow each to drop the “Spiritual” portion of successor. This means they can make references to the original game if desired, and to enable the expansion of partnerships. This could be expanded for any of them, should the desire be there.

An arrangement is also to be made for the Atlas Park Revival project. As part of the informal agreement we have with them, they would be given an official stamp of approval, and the CoT game build would be licensed to them, to create a kind of “CoH 1.5” and migrate people off of the classic game engine before it finally becomes unsuitable (we expect this to happen around when Windows 9 is released, due to binary compatibility). This can be done because both APR and CoT run on Unreal Engine 4.

By being its own firm, the licensing company can also pursue other avenues which were unavailable before.
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Re: City of Heroes Revival?
Sep 2, 2014, 18:35
Re: City of Heroes Revival? Sep 2, 2014, 18:35
Sep 2, 2014, 18:35
Cutter wrote on Sep 2, 2014, 16:42:
Well, I wouldn't want to see CoH return per se, but I'd dearly love to see a new, and better, superhero MMO show up!

From your lips to God's ear, Cutter. I liked CoH, but it was an on again-off again thing. Champions Online kinda went to pot once Perfect World got hold of it. Sure, there's something deeply satisfying about looking down on a city from a perch on a skyscraper, but there has to be more to it.

If I'm going to be a superhero, let me feel like a goddamn superhero. If I'm going to be a harsh vigilante with a big arsenal and a short fuse, let me play that out. If I'm going to be a mutated freak with skin problems and weird biochemistry that makes me faster and stronger than regular humans, let me exult in that. If I'm going to be a dapper gent in a cloak with a library full of arcane spellbooks, make me believe it. Give me a personal storyline, not just a bunch of random single panels. Make my choices have consequences. Let there be "back issues" where others can see what happened, where I succeeded, where I failed. Give me friends. Give me enemies. But first, foremost, and always, make me believe that I am the hero that the city/world/galaxy/multiverse needs.
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 Re: City of Heroes Revival?
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