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Re: Morning Patches
Sep 3, 2014, 11:40
Re: Morning Patches Sep 3, 2014, 11:40
Sep 3, 2014, 11:40
Verno wrote on Sep 3, 2014, 10:33:
It's pretty easy to find a good set of modpacks though. You can't really balance a game like Minecraft anyway. It's just a shame that it screws so many launchers and packs over, they always lag behind official releases significantly. A proper API would help, speaking of which...

Did the official API ever materialize or is that still vaporware?

The official API is just a running joke at this point. I'd be surprised if it ever came out.

As far as balancing modpacks, some do a decent job on that front. TPPI for example has a custom mod they use to tweak recipes that are too easy or too hard and have put careful consideration into their config options. But it's not a game about balance anyway and there will always be some stuff that seems less worthwhile. But hey, it's not a competitive game, if you want to use something less than optimal because you like the style, you're not at any kind of disadvantage.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
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Re: Morning Patches
Sep 3, 2014, 10:33
Re: Morning Patches Sep 3, 2014, 10:33
Sep 3, 2014, 10:33
It's pretty easy to find a good set of modpacks though. You can't really balance a game like Minecraft anyway. It's just a shame that it screws so many launchers and packs over, they always lag behind official releases significantly. A proper API would help, speaking of which...

Did the official API ever materialize or is that still vaporware?
Avatar 51617
Re: Morning Patches
Sep 3, 2014, 09:15
Re: Morning Patches Sep 3, 2014, 09:15
Sep 3, 2014, 09:15
A lot of mods seem like cheating because they're not well balanced. Or when you combine them with other mods, they become unbalanced.
Re: Morning Patches
Sep 2, 2014, 18:46
Re: Morning Patches Sep 2, 2014, 18:46
Sep 2, 2014, 18:46
ItBurn wrote on Sep 2, 2014, 17:29:
There is absolutely no point in playing vanilla minecraft. The mods that are out now offer a million times more. I don't know why they bother... Maybe for consoles?

A lot of people don't like modded Minecraft for whatever reason. I don't personally understand why, but they are out there in pretty sizeable numbers.

The Minecraft 1.8 update has some pretty substantial under the hood changes that increase performance and would be great for modded MC. Unfortunately because it's only just now that enough mods are on 1.7.10 to put together a good variety of modpacks, it's going to be a long time before 1.8 gets support from Forge and a good selection of mods.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Avatar 43041
Re: Morning Patches
Sep 2, 2014, 17:29
Re: Morning Patches Sep 2, 2014, 17:29
Sep 2, 2014, 17:29
There is absolutely no point in playing vanilla minecraft. The mods that are out now offer a million times more. I don't know why they bother... Maybe for consoles?
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