7. This case stems from efforts to illegally exploit Gearbox’s intellectual property rights in the Duke Nukem video game franchise. Specifically, Defendants Interceptor and 3DR have colluded to misappropriate and make infringing use of the Duke Nukem trademarks and copyrights owned by Gearbox. Gearbox secured its rights on February 2, 2010, upon the execution of an Asset Purchase Agreement (“APA”) in which 3DR transferred, with certain very limited exceptions, all Duke Nukem intellectual property (“Duke IP”) to Gearbox. The APA also specifically required 3DR or its licensees to seek the permission of Gearbox before making use of the Duke Nukem marks after February 2, 2010.
8. Recently—and without consulting the Duke IP’s actual owner, Gearbox— Interceptor announced its intent to develop a Duke Nukem game based upon the various characters, content and intellectual property owned by Gearbox; the proposed game is entitled “Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction.” Apparently, after selling its Duke Nukem IP rights to Gearbox in 2010, 3DR sought to privately convince others that the sale never happened. The result is the unauthorized development effort that reportedly exists between 3DR and Interceptor. 9.
9. By attempting to license the unlicensable, assign the unassignable, and effectively re-sell the exclusive rights that Gearbox already purchased in 2010, 3DR breached the terms of its APA with Gearbox, as well as Gearbox’s exclusive, federally-protected intellectual property rights. Unfortunately, the 3DR-Interceptor maneuver has left Gearbox with little choice but to bring these claims.
InBlack wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 07:50:DukeFNukem wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 07:45:InBlack wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 05:26:
50 posts in and no one mentions the obvious solution? Let's hope the lawyers in question know their shit. If they (Gearbox) are smart they will come to some sort of deal with Interceptor, publish their game and make some money in the process. There is no money to be had from a broke ass developer anyway...
Im guessing you didn't actually "read" all 50 posts. I posed this exact solution 20 or so messages before you crawled out of bed. But repeating it does no harm. So thanks for that. Maybe someone will listen.
Missed your post. Sorry.
Mad Max RW wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 09:00:
What's in a Name: Gearbox Software
Undead Scottsman wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 01:53:Hellbinder wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 21:19:Sepharo wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 17:14:
Two very scuzzy developers duking it out.
why is gearbox scuzzy exactly?
Of the top of my head
-They allegedly ripped off the Borderlands artstyle from a short film called "Codehunters."
-The Duke Nukem Forever fiasco (which, to be fair, it wasn't entirely their fault the game was shit. It WAS their fault for still trying to release it as shit, though. I'm sorry you bought the rights to a terrible game, Randy, but don't make your customers pay for it.
-The Aliens: Colonial Marines fiasco.
DukeFNukem wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 07:45:InBlack wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 05:26:
50 posts in and no one mentions the obvious solution? Let's hope the lawyers in question know their shit. If they (Gearbox) are smart they will come to some sort of deal with Interceptor, publish their game and make some money in the process. There is no money to be had from a broke ass developer anyway...
Im guessing you didn't actually "read" all 50 posts. I posed this exact solution 20 or so messages before you crawled out of bed. But repeating it does no harm. So thanks for that. Maybe someone will listen.
InBlack wrote on Feb 24, 2014, 05:26:
50 posts in and no one mentions the obvious solution? Let's hope the lawyers in question know their shit. If they (Gearbox) are smart they will come to some sort of deal with Interceptor, publish their game and make some money in the process. There is no money to be had from a broke ass developer anyway...
Hellbinder wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 21:19:Sepharo wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 17:14:
Two very scuzzy developers duking it out.
why is gearbox scuzzy exactly?
Beamer wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 21:25:Hump wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 19:46:
No surprises here.
Scott and George have exposed themselves time and time again as the two biggest shitbags the gaming industry ever spawned.
Someone needs to sit them down and explain to them that money needs to be earned by hard work, not just catching up on their quarterly legal retainer payments.
I'm pretty sure Scott has been unconnected to 3DR for over a decade.
Task wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 15:59:
Inteceptor already had a playable version built in their internal development, which was admitted to be better looking and better playing than DNF even though Reloaded was unfinished.
NegaDeath wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 19:08:
It's like divorced parents arguing who gets to take care of the kid.
I can almost hear Jon St John saying "Mom Dad stop fighting!" in Dukes voice.
Hump wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 19:46:
No surprises here.
Scott and George have exposed themselves time and time again as the two biggest shitbags the gaming industry ever spawned.
Someone needs to sit them down and explain to them that money needs to be earned by hard work, not just catching up on their quarterly legal retainer payments.
Sepharo wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 17:14:
Two very scuzzy developers duking it out.
Beelzebud wrote on Feb 23, 2014, 14:02:
This is going to be like watching two drunk idiots beat each other up at a bar, when you don't give a shit what the outcome is.
"Both the “left” and the “right” pretend they have the answer, but they are mere flippers on the same thalidomide baby, and the truth is that neither side has a clue."
- Jim Goad