I get an email telling me to check this article out. And you know what I can not stand about this "article"?
It is not the site that produced it - no, Joystiq has been a bastion of D-Level "journalism" for a while now, and that shows no sign of ever changing. It is why I gave up on their site long ago. I mean, who else would write an article like this without actually doing some research like Steven Wong obviously did?
A simple check against XBoxachievements.com's GFWL title list (besides the fact I own them all) would immediately tell you that this is not the complete gaming list for GFWL titles. Not even close. The article is missing many GFWL titles!
The missing titles are:
AFL Live
Age of Empires Online (How did you miss this one guys?)
Battle Vs. Chess (European release)
Battlestations Pacific (Square Enix now owns Eidos, yes?)
BioShock 2 Russian (This one still installs from a retail disc with GFWL included and has a different Achievement List)
CarneyVale: Showtime
Crash Time 4: The Syndicate
Hour of Victory
Juiced 2
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (Namco-Bandai, Japan only title)
Mahjong Wisdom
Rugby League Live
Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends
Vancouver 2010 (Sega title)
Where's Waldo?
World of Goo
Batman Arkham Asylum is also not mentioned, but that one I can see why (it apparently falls under the GOTY changeover also).
The article also includes "Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising" which is NOT a GFWL title.
World of Goo, Osmos, and Dark Void are all GFWL specific versions and have their non-GFWL versions available on Steam already. Why would Capcom need to be concerned with their title but the other two companies do not? Because "journalism" is a lost art at Joystiq. You can tell Steven took a gander at his Steam library, shot off a couple of emails to some folks, and cranked out this tripe. A simple five minute lookup online would have done wonders here. The article is uneven, unresearched, and completely unprofessional - all hallmarks of Joystiq's staff and their inability to actually follow up on what they produce.
No, what I can not stand about this article is that this is an alarmist piece, nothing more. It should have a loop of Hulk Hogan screaming "Whatcha Gonna Do Brother?" at the end of it because that
is all this article is doing. It screams "SWITCH TO STEAMWORKS NNNNNNOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW OR ELSE DDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!!" and not much else. The lack of research, the inability to take five minutes of time to check a website for confirmation of what is written in the article, and some obvious game omissions is all the proof you need to see this clearly. The service is on the way out, but some people just have ZERO patience for these kinds of things so the babies have to have their bottle RIGHT NOW.
It's Joystiq - I am not surprised. If you are going to preach this crap, come correct with it or not even try. It does the GFWL players absolutely no good at this juncture.
I own every single GFWL enabled title (mostly retail discs) and I can tell you that I will suffer more than you guys ever will with this issue. I already have. All I can do is play the games until
the service ends. And if you look at my gamertag, other than Gears of War games on the 360, that is exactly what I have been doing when school allows me too since mid-December.
And believe me, I have inquired about any kind of "check in" patch that at least allows the Zero Day Protection date check to be bypassed or to allow a simple Live sign in to update gamerscore. I have asked for some way to take my PC gamertag information, put it on a USB stick, and bring it over to the 360 for reasons just like this shutdown or loss of online so I could continue to play offline after the server goes away and still have it count towards my overall gamerscore. GFWL is part of the Live service the 360 uses RIGHT NOW, so this should be possible. But no, there is nothing out there now and it appears nothing is coming at all. That is fustrating to no end because Microsoft is not saying much at all.
As for the saves, a handful of the service's titles had save game issues. A HANDFUL. Most of the games under GFWL do not have that problem - but no one ever mentions that. I know this for a fact because I use the service way more than most of you ever did and I have moved multiple saves over multiple machines with no issues - even my own BioShock 2 saves, so that one is a shocker to me.
Feel free to pass this on to Joystiq's staff - at least then they can save some face with a proper update to a half assed article. Now, I put on my flame retardent cloak and await the usual comments. Because this is the Internet, and that is how it works. So flame away - you would surprise me more by actually not doing that but who am I to think people can be above such things?