Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM

Slitherine announces the addition to a Soviet Campaign to Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager, adding the space race to the upcoming space sim, allowing the player to play as either the U.S., who landed astronauts on the Moon in 1969, or as the U.S.S.R., whose lunar ambitions were never fully realized. They also announce additional new features, including widescreen support, mix-and-match rockets and payloads, and play-by-email multiplayer support. The game is currently available as an early access release, but word is this new content take additional time, so a new final release date will be revealed soon.
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Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM
Jan 15, 2014, 06:44
Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM Jan 15, 2014, 06:44
Jan 15, 2014, 06:44
But isn't it always the same game essentially? I mean it has a set procedure and progression so even with random elements it ends up being always the same no? Even more so when all you do is balance scripted predetermined events around that are bound to historic progression....
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Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM
Jan 14, 2014, 15:29
Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM Jan 14, 2014, 15:29
Jan 14, 2014, 15:29
eRe4s3r wrote on Jan 14, 2014, 09:42:
Dunno what they got over ksp.... Managing space programs without actually designing anything seems kinda boring......

This basically looks like a re-make of the old DOS game "Buzz aldrin's Race into Space." While the games have the same general premise, they're two completely different types of games.

Kerbal is a construction/physics playground in which you either play with stuff to have fun or try to build effective vehicles & tools in order to obtain themed goals.

BARIS (and by extension SPM it appears) is a turn based strategy game in which you balance training, budget, schedule and so forth in order to meet stepped objectives with the ultimate goal to get to the moon.

I've played both BARIS and KSP and they're both super fun but in completely different ways. If SPM is anything like BARIS (the screenshots look a LOT like it) it's going to be the same story.
Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM
Jan 14, 2014, 09:42
Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM Jan 14, 2014, 09:42
Jan 14, 2014, 09:42
Dunno what they got over ksp.... Managing space programs without actually designing anything seems kinda boring......
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Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM
Jan 13, 2014, 19:18
Re: Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Adding Soviet Campaign & PBEM Jan 13, 2014, 19:18
Jan 13, 2014, 19:18
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