ComputerAndVideoGames hears from DICE's Lars Gustavsson about Battlefield 4,
as the creative director of the military shooter series tells them they are
working on improving the single-player campaign in BF4 over the exceedingly
brief, QTE-filled solo portion of Battlefield 3.
"We got a lot of feedback
from the Battlefield 3 singleplayer, and based on what we intended to deliver
the team did a great job, but given that it's a Battlefield product there were a
lot of expectations that it would be more open.
"What we promised ourselves [with Battlefield 4] was to unify the product more,
so we infused a lot of the things from multiplayer - from being able to use your
squad - into multiplayer, so now you can use them in single player to engage
enemies. First and foremost we're opening up the encounters more to give you the
freedom to decide how to tackle them, whereas in Battlefield 3 it was more 'pick
up that one and kill that one', which I can agree is not the most exciting way.
Players want to feel smart doing what they're doing."