Our pricing for this stage of early access was determined by our Kickstarter. The stages of our early access for ALL users, which was determined during our Kickstarter, is:
June through August: $90 for early alpha access, during the time where we're still locking down features and making tweaks to the flow of the game. This access is permanent access - you will be able to play through alpha, beta and on through retail. (Galactic Edition Equivalent with all addons)
Slashman wrote on Jun 16, 2013, 10:10:Well there's probably 2 main types of people pre-ordering. One is the "zomg I can't wait another minute, I must play this game nao". They are going to be disappointed at this stage, and they are probably the ones who will be discouraged by the $90 price.Dev wrote on Jun 16, 2013, 03:11:Prez wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 21:57:Their final price is going to be like $20 or $30 I think.
I was just worried that was going to be the FINAL price! Their reasoning for charging that much in Alpha is sound though.
Which is why I said I'm waiting for the final release to buy.
There is no big payoff for getting in early on an alpha like this. People who really want to are more than welcome to. This isn't rocket science. And no one is twisting anyone's arm to make them buy in now. It's by choice.
Dev wrote on Jun 16, 2013, 03:11:Prez wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 21:57:Their final price is going to be like $20 or $30 I think.
I was just worried that was going to be the FINAL price! Their reasoning for charging that much in Alpha is sound though.
Prez wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 21:57:Their final price is going to be like $20 or $30 I think.
I was just worried that was going to be the FINAL price! Their reasoning for charging that much in Alpha is sound though.
eRe4s3r wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 17:01:Thats entirely up to you. I'm being critical of silly numbers like "Actual stat is that about 150 people bought it on Steam".
Meh.. being called stupid for making the effort to find out actual numbers is low...Maybe get some actual numbers?
Like the ones an Alpha backer would have you mean? Did I mention I am in the Alpha?... I just found that stat page interesting.... but hey, if you guys are so aggressive about my trying to find out how many BOUGHT it vs REGISTERED it then whatever.. I won't contribute to this topic anymore.
Ozmodan wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 13:50:
This is the little guy using MAJOR shenanigans to scam money out of people for a alpha. Do you know how many games never make it out of alpha, many of the indie games never do.
If you want to be an outright fool and support them, go ahead, while the rest of us laugh at you.
Maybe get some actual numbers?
Kanrad wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 15:08:What you expect and what reality is are 2 different things.
If you paid early on you where not just paying for alpha access you were funding the kickstarter.
Now that the game has reached Alpha stage it is no longer a kickstart. Implying they had the initial funding they needed. Please reference the concept of a kickstart.
So now that it is Alpha, and still apparently in need of more money, I would expect a lower cost of entry.
Keep in mind the simple fact of kickstarter games. You're concept and design of a game was so far off the market that no major company wanted to fund it. You had to turn to the general populace to fund your idea and get it off the ground. You now got that initial funding and want more help testing and refining said game.
At this point if you want more money your either, missed project cost projections, or enough normal folsk still don't back your idea. Now you can choose to try to make the game you want with the money you have or ask for more via alpha access.
Asking for more than the kickstart is just greed at this point as, in my opinion, you are asking others to back a flimsy or unoriginal idea at best.
Kickstarters are a good idea in theory. I worry that too many people are now abusing them as a way to make quick cash off of good will games or worse just flat out rip-offs.
Make a game worth my money or the best you can with what you have.
Silicon Avatar wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 14:33:That is how much people on Kickstarter paid (before the game was even off the drawing boards) to get into the Alpha.
Ninety bucks to play a crappy alpha? No thanks.
Ozmodan wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 13:50:Did you bother to look into the KS? I did recently after it was over. They have released games, and its not a 1 man shop. The KS also pulled in over $2 million, and that doesn't even count the steam sales that are going on right now. Do you really think that THIS project won't ever go further than the alpha that's out right now?
This is the little guy using MAJOR shenanigans to scam money out of people for a alpha. Do you know how many games never make it out of alpha, many of the indie games never do.
If you want to be an outright fool and support them, go ahead, while the rest of us laugh at you.
eRe4s3r wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 13:49:That's a mistaken assumption. That assumes everyone who had the game played in that short timeframe. I have access to grim dawn and war for the overworld on steam and I still haven't tried them out. Haven't had time.
Fair enough and I realize the mistake now (was glossing over what that number meant too quickly), more correct would be adding concurrent players per hour together .. so a around 1500 registered on steam.
jacobvandy wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 10:50:eRe4s3r wrote on Jun 15, 2013, 04:33:MoreLuckThanSkill wrote on Jun 14, 2013, 23:54:Dev wrote on Jun 14, 2013, 22:57:
And yet this is the 3rd best selling item on steam right now, ahead of skyrim.
Where are you getting that data?
This indicates otherwise?
Although maybe there is a more up to date list somewhere...
Actual stat is that about 150 people bought it on Steam...
Steam Charts
Lmao, that's not what that means at all. You can most certainly not look at "141 CONCURRENT peak players" and assume that to be the total number of sales. Biggest logical fallacy ever. That's like saying only 40k people bought Civ V because that was about the peak yesterday. However many millions of people play Dota 2, the peak was at 300k.