Beamer wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 14:14:
Wait, I'm not following this closely, but is Cutter kind of right? I mean, publishers can still enforce DRM on the PS4 to limit used games, according to what I'm reading.
avianflu wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:53:
Ack -- Verno **functionally** for the console gamer that is a hair of a difference you are making. SONY is just offloading DRM to the publishers. I am usually in agreement with you, but not so much on this one!
I guess we'll see what the major game pubs do.
Cutter wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 11:35:
Sony is still being evasive. Everything they stated was about them. They didn't say if publishers would permit trades/resales. So their policy is the same as the Failbox until they specify otherwise. And ok so I don't have to go online once every 24 hours to check in with big brother, what about every 25 hours? What if I never want to connect it to the internet at all? Seems that Sony snuck in that you now need a PS+ subscription for online play. So what else aren't they saying?
SpectralMeat wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:44:FU wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:41:Is that even confirmed that you will need PSN+ for multiplayer?DG wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:29:
So much love for Sony just because all they did is start charging for multiplayer?
Could it be that it is only for used games maybe?
For some reason I thought they said last night you will not need to pay subscription fee for MP games.
SpectralMeat wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:44:FU wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:41:Is that even confirmed that you will need PSN+ for multiplayer?DG wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:29:
So much love for Sony just because all they did is start charging for multiplayer?
Could it be that it is only for used games maybe?
For some reason I thought they said last night you will not need to pay subscription fee for MP games.
Darks wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:44:
In all seriousness Verno, I wish that were true, but M$ has been flat out not listening to the concerns and screams of customers for a very long time now. They somehow feel or think they are invincible, and their stance on backwards compatibility and many other aspects are all a part of that attitude. I mean, look at the Win 8 fiasco with the Start Menu being gone. During Beta people screamed and begged that they add it back. What did we get? Nothing!
I personally hope they crash a hard death if that is what it takes to get them to stop being assholes about their business practices
Verno wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:36:DG wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:29:
I don't get why people are so happy and excited that MS messed up so badly. This is not a good thing for gamers. Like Intel fanboys being smug about AMD's lacklustre chips then wondering why the Intel prices are high and performance increments so little each release. So much love for Sony just because all they did is start charging for multiplayer?
Err I don't follow your logic, of course this is good for gamers. Microsoft is too big to be forced out of the market, they will have to respond somehow and it's becoming clear that they need to give people what they want, not just what they think they can give them. This can only be good for the consumer in the long run, this is actual competition at work.
FU wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:41:Is that even confirmed that you will need PSN+ for multiplayer?DG wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:29:
So much love for Sony just because all they did is start charging for multiplayer?
DG wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:29:
So much love for Sony just because all they did is start charging for multiplayer?
DG wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:29:
I don't get why people are so happy and excited that MS messed up so badly. This is not a good thing for gamers. Like Intel fanboys being smug about AMD's lacklustre chips then wondering why the Intel prices are high and performance increments so little each release. So much love for Sony just because all they did is start charging for multiplayer?
Dagnamit wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 10:01:
The problem that Sony might have in the long run, as online DRM models get more savvy and consumer friendly (they will), is that some big time developers will really like the control that MS is giving them. This may lead to a better selection of titles on the Xbone. I'm a pessimist for sure, but I just feel that Sony's decision here may be a short-sighted reaction to MS, and not much thought went into it. They are almost certainly selling the thing at a loss for a while. Not a great a idea for a company that typically hemorrages cash. They could have priced it at $500 with the current features and people would have called it a better deal than Xbox.
Verno wrote on Jun 11, 2013, 13:10:
The guys from Gamespot and Giantbomb said people were going apeshit in the audience and that it felt pretty authentic. I was following it at SA and the thread reply count increased by like 3000 in a minute.
Also it was really nice to see so many hands on stage demos instead of precanned stuff. It didn't always work out well (AC4 crashed part way through for example) but it was a bit reassuring.