fawker wrote on May 27, 2013, 12:48:
Looks like everyone is trying to jump in on the card trading game these days.
It's like gambling except you can only lose money.
What I find funny about this is that the "old school" guys love the whole card gaming (and collectibles) setup, as well as the old model/board gaming and what have you. Best example of "guys" would be Penny Arcade. I recall them stating in the past that they couldn't understand the long-term costs of things like WoW (or D3's RMAH), then I remembered how much I (easily) spent on MTG and miniatures, etc., back in the day and I really facepalmed at their attitude.
I guess what I'm saying is, the line between passion and addiction/obsession is a thin one. The association of "pay to win" with a lot of games these days further amuses me because it's really no different with MTG and similar games...yet you get armchair old school board-type gamers (again, PA) who pretend the latter is a purer form. Then you get something like Scrolls which blurs the lines a bit, and things ironically become a lot more clear.