Alice Fans,
Questions for you:
1) If we could get the rights from EA, would you play "Alice 3?"
2) If you'd play "Alice 3," would you back it on Kickstarter?
3) If you said "yes" to those two things, make some noise - I'm trying to gauge interest in case I happen to discuss this with EA during GDC in 2 weeks. The more interest there is, the more seriously they'll take the conversation.
yuastnav wrote on Jul 18, 2017, 12:20:for future reference
I came here from the future. :>
KS wrote on Mar 15, 2013, 05:30:
Assuming any interest, the big company with the rights will pick up on it, then:
Alice fans
Question for you
1. Would you like to see console-like gameplay fun? Alice is held. Quick, squeeze right trigger, I mean tap shift, fast fast fast!
Ray Marden wrote on Mar 14, 2013, 17:35:
Sad to say, but I would rather they skipped it. Or had somebody else do it.
I liked the first game, though it had its share of rough edges. But the second game was...just boring and kind of tedious. It had the usual nice Alice design, but it started slow, felt small, was a bit clunky, and loved pointless combat.
I paid full price for the first game and beat it with fond memories. I bought the second game for $5-$10 and never finished it.
'Nuff said.
Wondering if there will be any surprises with the S4,
dheer wrote on Mar 14, 2013, 10:17:
I guess I'm in the minority but I loved both Alice games. Madness Returns, while repetitive in some spots, felt like a solid step forward.
I'd back it on kickstarter, no doubt.
dheer wrote on Mar 14, 2013, 10:17:
I guess I'm in the minority but I loved both Alice games. Madness Returns, while repetitive in some spots, felt like a solid step forward.
I'd back it on kickstarter, no doubt.
Kajetan wrote on Mar 14, 2013, 10:43:yonder wrote on Mar 14, 2013, 10:40:Read further. He tries to get the rights to Alice from EA
I was interested until I saw those two letters "EA"...
If he succeeds, why not? Nowadays not being released by EA is a great plus for a game.