Dev wrote on Mar 12, 2013, 03:24:
And all of those together don't amount to anything EA much cares about in terms of money.
The list looks familiar though, I backed many of those same ones
Well, my point was, we don't need them. Whether EA cares about losing what they consider to be a niche amount of sales or not is not my concern. I do find it funny that they think they'd get more sales from pirates that supposedly can't pirate. It's their loss, since there alienating legitimate customers.
Dev wrote on Mar 12, 2013, 03:24:
Anyway, while the kickstarter versions won't have DRM as a reward to backers, the retail release ones WILL most likely have some form of protection. For instance "Malevolence: The Sword of Ahkranox" released a special loader just for kickstarters that has the very light DRM disabled. His DRM is basically just you have a login (like minecraft).
So any of those you didn't back, just realize you may NOT end up getting DRM free, and if that is that important of a feature to you, you should back them while they are KS.
True, I suppose. But I don't think a majority of them will. Most indies know that will squash sales and pirates aren't going to purchase anyway.
I still think that the larger 'studio name' games (not necessarily a large studio), like the ones in my backed list, will be a viable alternative to the big publishers, and I think they will keep coming over time. I also think they will be a better quality because they are crafted from passion for the product, and not some publisher's "market study dictates".
Get your games from GOG DAMMIT!