As usual for MS they are trying to jump on a bandwagon that has already left the station years ago. So MS wants to grab some quick cash because people spend tons of money on GOG and Kickstarter for old school gaming?
Well, this ain't gonna cut it. AoE 2 was good for its time but has long been made obsolete by AoE 3 and other excellent RTS games like the CoH series.
Fuck you and your lame obvious cash grab attempt, Microsoft. Show some real dedication to PC gaming and either revive your own studios or hire someone to develop AoE 4, MS Flight Simulator XI, and last but most definitely not least Mech Warrior V.
Then have someone port the Halos to the PC and release future versions of all of your games simultaneously on the PC and the ShitBox.
Until then just fuck you and shove your AoE 2 where el sol no make no light, capisce?! kthx