Overhaul Games is excited to announce that pre-loading for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition has begun ahead of final release on November 28th, 2012. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition for PC is available exclusively through Beamdog, and can be purchased here.
If you've already purchased Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, you can either pre-load it through the Beamdog client, which can be found here, or through the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Installer which can be downloaded here.
Cram wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 18:46:Correct. Dont know why i added the source code to that list ...
The character and background art assets were lost; they got the source code from Bioware.
Kajetan wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 05:35:
For that they have to make assets new from scratch. The original assets are unfortunatly lost, so is the source code. All they could do is prgramming around the base game, adding and modifying stuff like the modder scene.
Optional Nickname! wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 12:15:Moog wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 05:09:
Put it on Steam and I'll purchase.
Not touching it otherwise.
Put it on Steam and I'll not purchase.
Buying it otherwise.
p.s. No Steam shills, employees, marketing affiliates or zombies allowed to reply without identifying yourself as such. This means you.
Moog wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 05:09:
Put it on Steam and I'll purchase.
Not touching it otherwise.
RaZ0r! wrote on Nov 23, 2012, 14:56:
When it's 75% off on Steam, please let me know. In the meantime I picked this up earlier this year for $20.
Dev wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 07:27:
Also, keep in mind WHY they are doing remakes of BG and MDK. Its to get marketshare for beamdog.
Kajetan wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 05:35:entr0py wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 01:19:For that they have to make assets new from scratch. The original assets are unfortunatly lost, so is the source code. All they could do is prgramming around the base game, adding and modifying stuff like the modder scene.
I'm disappointed they did nothing to improve the game visually. I thought at least they would re-render the background, and hopefully add more frames to the pre-rendered animations.
If you want Baldurs Gate with revamped graphics (like the screenshots form Project Eternity) you have to make a NEW game.
entr0py wrote on Nov 24, 2012, 01:19:For that they have to make assets new from scratch. The original assets are unfortunatly lost, so is the source code. All they could do is prgramming around the base game, adding and modifying stuff like the modder scene.
I'm disappointed they did nothing to improve the game visually. I thought at least they would re-render the background, and hopefully add more frames to the pre-rendered animations.
Creston wrote on Nov 23, 2012, 19:04:WaltC wrote on Nov 23, 2012, 16:12:
This is probably a word to the wise, and I don't think even applies to the original BG1, anyway...but just in case you aren't aware of it--as I wasn't initially--when Amazon game descriptions say "Win7 compatible" in the description, what they are usually always talking about with much older games is "Win 7 x86" compatible, because these are 16-bit Windows games that will run fine on Win7 x86 but *won't run at all--won't even install* on Win7 x64 systems.
A pure 16 bit installer won't run on a 64 bit OS because the OS has no clue what the hell it is. However, I've been able to get past those issues several times just by running the installer in XP Compatibility mode. Have you tried that?
nin wrote on Nov 23, 2012, 12:26:This is exactly what they did with MDK2 HD stuff, they kept it exclusive for like a year on beamdog to try and get market share. I would have thought they learned the difference with MDK 2 HD between the tiny bit of sales they get by doing that and the massive sales that steam can deliver. They need to give up on their download service and go full time on doing remakes and putting on steam.
Steam or go home. I don't need Yet Another Download Client.
WaltC wrote on Nov 23, 2012, 16:12:
This is probably a word to the wise, and I don't think even applies to the original BG1, anyway...but just in case you aren't aware of it--as I wasn't initially--when Amazon game descriptions say "Win7 compatible" in the description, what they are usually always talking about with much older games is "Win 7 x86" compatible, because these are 16-bit Windows games that will run fine on Win7 x86 but *won't run at all--won't even install* on Win7 x64 systems.