In the aftermath of some of the craziest 48 hours we’ve ever experienced it’s become clear that there’s a sizable number of people that were unable to pledge, or adjust their pledges due to the difficulties with the RSI site. Many people tried repeatedly over the weekend, only for the site to crash at various points during the check out. Some people switched to Kickstarter, but there were also a large number of people that Kickstarter wasn’t an option and so they have been left high and dry. The focus of our campaign was, from day one, involving the fans and trying to give them as many options to support us as possible. The last thing we want to do is punish any of you, and so we have decided to adapt our plans and offer a grace period for all current members of the RSI community.
If you have a membership, regardless of whether you have previously purchased a tier, you will be able to pledge at the current prices through this weekend. We will keep the limited add-on ships available through that time for everyone who tried to purchase one but wasn’t able. Everything will switch to the new pricing structure on Monday November 26th
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Nov 22, 2012, 06:49:InBlack wrote on Nov 22, 2012, 04:18:Yeah, I mean it's not like it would have an escape pod or anything.
Oh great so I get insurance for my ship but my pilot somehow miraculously survives the explosion??? Way to go about destroying immersion....