Diablo III Website announces Blizzard has recently handed out a bunch of bans to
Diablo III players for violating the terms of service for Blizzard's action/RPG sequel. They don't specify how many accounts are barred due to this, but they do offer more details on why: "In each of these cases players used a hack program for exploitive purposes, for example to zoom out their game view and kill monsters that were beyond the normal range at which AI is triggered. As we do with all Blizzard games, we will continue to monitor Diablo III for cheating and take action as needed." They outline various actions that could trigger such discipline so players can make sure they are keeping their noses clean. On a related note,
Blend Games continues their criticism of the game by rounding up reports of Linux users who claim they have been banned after playing the game through WINE, unmoved by Blizzard's comments that they cannot guarantee that users of an unsupported operating system may be incorrectly tagged as hackers.