So looking at where we are right now with our game and the ongoing service that comes with Free 2 Play games actually makes me believe that this game can become a great Command & Conquer. And we will be working together with you – The Fans - to make it better and better. As planned right now, the Beta will start in the first half of 2013, and will be the longest running beta phase in franchise history.
J wrote on Nov 6, 2012, 03:31:So did I. I thought it was a new game, but it wasn't. Haha. EA is desperate with it. I can't even find reviews and ratings!
I received my C&C email last night and was amused by the "Battle in your browse" headline
Fantaz wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 11:17:Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 05:01:jacobvandy wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:58:Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:20:
blah blah blah
I'm a low IQ gamer and can only post stupid youtube videos to people yelling 'gay'
That video is funny.
Prez wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 13:44:
If nothing today has any value then why do you guys bother gaming? Jesus you guys sound like the decrepit old dudes that sit in McDonalds every morning drinking their free senior coffee and complaining how nothing is like it was 50 years ago and therefore everything sucks. Those rose-tinted glasses must be handed out for free at every corner given how much some people like to view everything through them. I played Quake and UT; I played Doom and Fallout 1 and 2. And I can unequivocally say that I'd rather play the modern games. Not everything is some phoned-in Call of Duty clone or a lifeless F2P game. After Fallout New Vegas I doubt Fallout 2 would ever recapture the magic; it was great in its day but now its time is past. The same goes for Deus Ex after I played Human Revolution. Despite you guys living in denial of it, many of these classic games have not aged very well. So many of them are old, tired, and archaic by modern gaming standards. I don't want to have my fond memories of the classics soiled by the realization that advancements in game design (the ones the old snobs slap their hands over their eyes an ears and refuse to acknowledge) have left them in the dust. I've tried re-playing several of the old greats that I bought from GOG and it wasn't pretty - not just the visuals, but the mechanics, the interfaces, and the severely limited gameplay that necessitated by the limited technology of the day robbed the experience of the magic it once had.
I used to think that left 2 options: either learn to appreciate what modern gaming has to offer (and despite the incessant bitching to the contrary from the old snobs there is a LOT that it offers) or just accept that gaming has changed and that this is no longer the hobby for you. But in the last several years I see that many people have chosen a third: keep buying games then complain constantly that they suck and belittle anyone who finds enjoyment in them. My rose-tinted glasses are retired. I'll play the games of today and not be ashamed of it just because a bunch of stodgy old grognards may think it proves I lack their finely-honed, sophisticated and oh-so-mature tastes.
Prez wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 13:44:
I used to think that left 2 options: either learn to appreciate what modern gaming has to offer (and despite the incessant bitching to the contrary from the old snobs there is a LOT that it offers) or just accept that gaming has changed and that this is the hobby for you. But in the last few years I see that many people have chosen a third: keep buying games then complain constantly that they suck and belittle anyone who finds enjoyment in them.
RollinThundr wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 12:51:Beamer wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 11:28:
I always enjoy how little people realize that their personal point in life greatly effected how they viewed the product of that time. There's someone, somewhere, claiming rap was never better than when MC Hammer did it, because rap was exciting and new to him personally at that time.
Games today do almost everything better than previously. They're less cheap. They're more focused. They actually tell stories. Hell, I know the plot of Borderlands 2. I consider that something of a miracle. Somehow Gearbox managed to tell that story coherently. Does anyone know the plot of Metroid? How about Quake? Did anyone ever know why they were doing anything in particular in Doom?
Sure, certain game styles have died out. Turn-based, story-heavy JRPGs, for instance, are no longer popular. FF selling poorly isn't a sign that games are worse, it's a sign that those style games just aren't popular.
The real complaint people can have is that everything is homogenized at the top. Much like what happened with radio and network TV, no one will fully commit to a risk because anything unique may have a limited audience. Fine, whatever. Did this kill music? No, because with the homogenization of radio came the rise of mp3s and spotify. Did this kill TV? No, because with the homogenization of network TV (i.e., Terra Nova being a kiddie show) came the rise of AMC, FX, HBO and Showtime.
With the homogenization of EA will come the rise of anything else, thanks to convenient digital distribution. It's still hard, as video games cost a fortune, as movies do, but man, if FTL and Orcs Must Die 2 aren't up there as 2 of the 5 best games of the year...
X-Com's sales figures say hello. A well made TBS title will sell. As for JRPG's, when you don't inovate at all for 20 years and just slap a new number on the end of your latest cutscene generator v.X.X , yes people tend to gravitate to other things.
I'd take games like Wingcommander and the older C&C games complete with cheesy fmv over the flux of free to play and browser garbage we're getting now.
Beamer wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 11:28:
I always enjoy how little people realize that their personal point in life greatly effected how they viewed the product of that time. There's someone, somewhere, claiming rap was never better than when MC Hammer did it, because rap was exciting and new to him personally at that time.
Games today do almost everything better than previously. They're less cheap. They're more focused. They actually tell stories. Hell, I know the plot of Borderlands 2. I consider that something of a miracle. Somehow Gearbox managed to tell that story coherently. Does anyone know the plot of Metroid? How about Quake? Did anyone ever know why they were doing anything in particular in Doom?
Sure, certain game styles have died out. Turn-based, story-heavy JRPGs, for instance, are no longer popular. FF selling poorly isn't a sign that games are worse, it's a sign that those style games just aren't popular.
The real complaint people can have is that everything is homogenized at the top. Much like what happened with radio and network TV, no one will fully commit to a risk because anything unique may have a limited audience. Fine, whatever. Did this kill music? No, because with the homogenization of radio came the rise of mp3s and spotify. Did this kill TV? No, because with the homogenization of network TV (i.e., Terra Nova being a kiddie show) came the rise of AMC, FX, HBO and Showtime.
With the homogenization of EA will come the rise of anything else, thanks to convenient digital distribution. It's still hard, as video games cost a fortune, as movies do, but man, if FTL and Orcs Must Die 2 aren't up there as 2 of the 5 best games of the year...
Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 09:26:
D3 is much worse then diablo 2, it's loot sucked and that was a major part of the hook for Diablo 2.
Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 05:01:jacobvandy wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:58:Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:20:
blah blah blah
I'm a low IQ gamer and can only post stupid youtube videos to people yelling 'gay'
theyarecomingforyou wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 08:55:
Diablo III was exceptional...
Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:20:Who cares what Nintendo is doing? They may have been relevant about 15 years ago but PC gaming has long since offered better gaming. Starfox, Zelda and Metroid were always kiddie and Final Fantasy has been dead since FFVII. Consoles are for gaming on a budget - there are some decent exclusives but you have to suffer terrible graphical fidelity (720p @30fps is like watching movies in black and white), when they would have been much better on PC.
You're just WRONG, overall the last 10 years have got to be the worst in gaming history. Nintendo's major franchises (starfox, Zelda, metroid) are all suffering in different ways. Other M was a disaster. Final fantasy series is on the ropes. Since FFX, FF has been going completely downhill and it's basically a movie with hardly any gameplay anymore. The combat system and loot has been totlly removed/dumbed down/gutted.
Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:20:I haven't played Torchlight 2 yet but it looks better than the original, which was a game I loved. While Starcraft 2 wasn't really my cup of tea (I'm more a C&C 1, Warcraft I sort of guy) it was still a solid game and Diablo III was exceptional, though it was undermined by the auction house system.
On PC ... I've played all those games you mentioned. Torchlight 2 is basically a worse version of diablo 2. The itemization is bad and the story/world is worse. Not to mention Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 were huge disappointments especially with the 'always online' bullshit and the gimped mod tools. Starcraft 2 is basically another parallel universe in terms of story, the story in SC2 is totally not congruent with the firsts. We're seeing what World of warcraft did to blizzard (totally fucked them up). The people behind the original diablo 2 and starcraft were blown to the winds and after 12 years the new developers totally sucked at giving sequels to two of gamings most beloved franchises.
Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:20:Borderlands 2 is a great game, especially when played co-op. The graphics are solid, though I wouldn't say they're the main appeal of the game. Very few games do I put anywhere near as much time into, so that's pretty high praise.
Borderlands 2 isn't anything special, people who are over-wow'd by graphics and don't have good taste in gameplay find it 'amazing'. Older FPS's were more fun on release then the entire single player campaign of borderlands 1+2 and had more longevity (UT2004).
Suppa7 wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 03:20:Metro 2033 was excellent (though it could have done without the QT-events); The Witcher 2 was superb; and Dishonored had great atmosphere and great gameplay - it wasn't perfect but certainly it's an example of how the games industry is pushing things forward.
Metro is YET ANOTHER FPS (gtfo). Witcher is a mediocre RPG with a shitty combat system and Dishonored is a half baked version of thief combined with bioshock for the ADHD call of duty crowd.
Luke wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 07:51:
could also be i am getting to old, but games sure not worth the money they cost
Prez wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 07:10:
Who cares??? I'm talking PC gaming.
Prez wrote on Nov 5, 2012, 07:10:
Suppa7 - How in the hell did we go from me talking about great gaming on the PC to how bad Nintend's ancient properties are. Who cares??? I'm talking PC gaming. I couldn't care any less if those kiddies games had never existed in the first place.
Anyway, it sounds like you need to find a new hobby then Suppa, because you are impossible to please when it comes to gaming. Go make love to your Super Mario cartridge and your Akalabeth floppies one last time then move on to new things; the rest of us will enjoy the great experiences gaming today has to offer the unjaded, non-bitter gamers.