F2P Command & Conquer Beta Early Next Year

A recent post to the Command & Conquer Blog updates us on progress on the upcoming free-to-play Command & Conquer game (thanks Ant). This includes an explanation of why they are not actually hyping this more, saying: "We’ve decided to actually let the game speak for itself, instead of starting the typical marketing noise you normally would expect. That being said, it might be a few more months before we reveal more information – we don’t just want to tell you about the game, we want to show you." It also outlines plans for an extended beta test beginning next year:
So looking at where we are right now with our game and the ongoing service that comes with Free 2 Play games actually makes me believe that this game can become a great Command & Conquer. And we will be working together with you – The Fans - to make it better and better. As planned right now, the Beta will start in the first half of 2013, and will be the longest running beta phase in franchise history.
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Re: F2P Command & Conquer Beta Early Next Year
Nov 4, 2012, 13:36
Re: F2P Command & Conquer Beta Early Next Year Nov 4, 2012, 13:36
Nov 4, 2012, 13:36
I'm not interested in F2P games. To enjoy them properly they end up costing a lot more than traditional games and the gameplay tends to revolve around grind rather than enjoyment. Age Of Empires Online was a classic example of that, with civilisations that amounted to hundreds of pounds if you bought them all. It's a disgusting business model but it's no surprise to see EA embrace it.
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