World of Warcraft Patch Plans and Hotfixes

The World of Warcraft Website announces a new version 5.1 patch for Mists of Pandaria will be added soon to the Public Test Realm for Blizzard's MMORPG. The accompanying notes outline plans for additional content, pet battle improvements, item upgrades, and more. On a related note, the list of Patch 5.0.5 Hotfixes is updated with a very lengthy list of new fixes implemented on the server side of the game.
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Re: World of Warcraft Patch Plans and Hotfixes
Oct 8, 2012, 03:27
Re: World of Warcraft Patch Plans and Hotfixes Oct 8, 2012, 03:27
Oct 8, 2012, 03:27
But you can flip tables now!!!!!111
I have given up on waiting for BIS to come back to their senses and do a real ArmA 2 successor.
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Oct 8, 2012Oct 8 2012
  Re: World of Warcraft Patch Plans and Hotfixes