Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview

An interview on Gamasutra talks with Tom Hall and Brenda Brathwaite of Loot Drop about their just-announced Kickstarter for an "old school RPG." They discuss their goal of melding traditional elements like character development and investment with modern elements like advanced graphics. There's also a discussion of how the pair will be developing two different parts of the same game world, which explains why one of the Kickstarter's stretch goals is two separate games. Here's a bit on that:
Brathwaite and Hall have conceived of the game as having two distinct worlds part of the same universe and the same timeline, where one of them is fundamentally Brathwaite's and the other's is Hall's, with a bridge connecting the two.

Hall's second world is viewed as something of a sequel if the game's stretch funding goals are met. But ultimately the pair will collaborate on all aspects of development, and in Hall, Brathwaite has the ideal complement to her RPG values.
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55 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 1.
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Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 7, 2012, 15:55
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 7, 2012, 15:55
Oct 7, 2012, 15:55
nin wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 16:00:

This board tends to get visitors who register just to talk up a certain item, frequently raving about it. And then, when they're called on it, they generally disappear.

As long as you keep talking to folks and post in other topics (and people see that you're not just here to sell something), it'll wear off

But it's something we see a lot of here, and that's why people get called on it.

That's it exactly. I personally don't believe in being rude to the new people but they do have a point - we get many shills who post in one thread or about one specific topic and leave. My advice (which you didn't ask for) : Rather than denying you're a shill, just stick around and post in various threads. It really is the only way people around here are going to accept that you aren't one. Unfair maybe, but that's how the Internet works I guess.
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
Avatar 17185
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 7, 2012, 15:44
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 7, 2012, 15:44
Oct 7, 2012, 15:44
Terrible timing, terrible judgement, and because Romero has anything to do with it, it is in my opinion a terrible project.

Call me a hater, but I can't stand John Romero. On the other hand I have great respect for Tom Hall. Romero and Tom Hall have similar resumés but there is one huge difference: Hall is not an enormous douche like Romero is. He deserves credit for Doom, sure, but when someone is such an asshole as he is I tend to pay less attention to their achievements than their douchery.

Cue the obligatory "You act like the guy kicked your dog or something" defense. He didn't, I just don't like douchey people, which is incidentally why I think Steve Jobs is an overrated obnoxious asshole too.
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
Avatar 17185
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 20:52
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 20:52
Oct 6, 2012, 20:52
Thanks guys.
Re: More Big Picture Details
Oct 6, 2012, 17:27
Re: More Big Picture Details Oct 6, 2012, 17:27
Oct 6, 2012, 17:27
HorrorScope wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 02:11:
Creston wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 00:19:
but if they get enough money (presumably to afford some devs to help out) they will turn the other world into its own adventure.


Isn't Loot Drop a team of 24 developers?

I have no idea, to be honest. If they're serious about pushing this out in the door in 12 months, getting an extra million dollars means they can easily hire 10 more developers for that 1 year period, and 10 developers can get a lot done in a year.

The shorter your dev time, the more people you can hire for the same money.

Avatar 15604
Re: More Big Picture Details
Oct 6, 2012, 16:26
Re: More Big Picture Details Oct 6, 2012, 16:26
Oct 6, 2012, 16:26
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 13:15:
Not trying to be a troll or anything. I honestly don't understand what I did wrong. ?????????????? Or is this just a "pick on the new guy" rite of passage?

You did nothing wrong, you're just dealing with a jack wagon. A few hear speak feel they speak for Blue's and its members. They tell you how they block you and everyone else, but then they still respond to you. I guess they see it as some sort of tactic for their own agenda. I don't even care if you are or aren't a shill, I'll take what I read a process it. If one person is pro and the majority it negative, it doesn't matter if that one was a shill or not. Not sure why people even put in the energy to try to figure/track that stuff out.
Avatar 17232
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 16:00
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 16:00
Oct 6, 2012, 16:00
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 13:15:
dj LiTh wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 12:59:
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:48:
Jivaro wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:44:
People that want to come and post opinions are great, that is the whole point right? People who want to deliberately come and pick a fight because they don't like someone else's opinions..well that is just being a troll.

It doesn't matter how off base Cutter may or may not be, you are out of line, and now you are blocked. I know it won't break your heart, but now that you have basically admitted that you only registered to troll...I doubt seriously I will be the only one.
That's not what I said and you know it.

edit: Kinda curious. I reviewed this thread. What exactly did I say that is so troublesome? Seems that Cutter was the one spewing venom. What am I missing?

You're a shill.
Not trying to be a troll or anything. I honestly don't understand what I did wrong. ?????????????? Or is this just a "pick on the new guy" rite of passage?

This board tends to get visitors who register just to talk up a certain item, frequently raving about it. And then, when they're called on it, they generally disappear.

As long as you keep talking to folks and post in other topics (and people see that you're not just here to sell something), it'll wear off.

But it's something we see a lot of here, and that's why people get called on it.

Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 14:12
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 14:12
Oct 6, 2012, 14:12
Jivaro wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:44:
People that want to come and post opinions are great, that is the whole point right? People who want to deliberately come and pick a fight because they don't like someone else's opinions..well that is just being a troll.

It doesn't matter how off base Cutter may or may not be, you are out of line, and now you are blocked. I know it won't break your heart, but now that you have basically admitted that you only registered to troll...I doubt seriously I will be the only one.

Uh, did you even read this thread? Where did the guy pick a fight? He came, posted his opinion, then immediately got labelled as having to be one of the developers.

People that want to come and post their opinions are great, unless some people here don't like their opinions, in which case they are immediately attacked, and then blocked when they defend themselves. Way to roll out that welcome mat!
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 13:15
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 13:15
Oct 6, 2012, 13:15
dj LiTh wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 12:59:
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:48:
Jivaro wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:44:
People that want to come and post opinions are great, that is the whole point right? People who want to deliberately come and pick a fight because they don't like someone else's opinions..well that is just being a troll.

It doesn't matter how off base Cutter may or may not be, you are out of line, and now you are blocked. I know it won't break your heart, but now that you have basically admitted that you only registered to troll...I doubt seriously I will be the only one.
That's not what I said and you know it.

edit: Kinda curious. I reviewed this thread. What exactly did I say that is so troublesome? Seems that Cutter was the one spewing venom. What am I missing?

You're a shill.
Not trying to be a troll or anything. I honestly don't understand what I did wrong. ?????????????? Or is this just a "pick on the new guy" rite of passage?
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 12:59
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 12:59
Oct 6, 2012, 12:59
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:48:
Jivaro wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:44:
People that want to come and post opinions are great, that is the whole point right? People who want to deliberately come and pick a fight because they don't like someone else's opinions..well that is just being a troll.

It doesn't matter how off base Cutter may or may not be, you are out of line, and now you are blocked. I know it won't break your heart, but now that you have basically admitted that you only registered to troll...I doubt seriously I will be the only one.
That's not what I said and you know it.

edit: Kinda curious. I reviewed this thread. What exactly did I say that is so troublesome? Seems that Cutter was the one spewing venom. What am I missing?

You're a shill.
Avatar 46370
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 11:48
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 11:48
Oct 6, 2012, 11:48
Jivaro wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 11:44:
People that want to come and post opinions are great, that is the whole point right? People who want to deliberately come and pick a fight because they don't like someone else's opinions..well that is just being a troll.

It doesn't matter how off base Cutter may or may not be, you are out of line, and now you are blocked. I know it won't break your heart, but now that you have basically admitted that you only registered to troll...I doubt seriously I will be the only one.
That's not what I said and you know it.

edit: Kinda curious. I reviewed this thread. What exactly did I say that is so troublesome? Seems that Cutter was the one spewing venom. What am I missing?

This comment was edited on Oct 6, 2012, 12:07.
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 11:44
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 11:44
Oct 6, 2012, 11:44
People that want to come and post opinions are great, that is the whole point right? People who want to deliberately come and pick a fight because they don't like someone else's opinions..well that is just being a troll.

It doesn't matter how off base Cutter may or may not be, you are out of line, and now you are blocked. I know it won't break your heart, but now that you have basically admitted that you only registered to troll...I doubt seriously I will be the only one.
Avatar 55841
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 07:00
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 07:00
Oct 6, 2012, 07:00
Cutter wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 03:12:
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 23:27:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:51:
Cutter wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:26:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 20:02:
Uhhh.. who exactly do you think I think I am, and who is this "we" that you speak of? Paranoid much?

Cool story, bro.

I have a question: Do you really, seriously think that I am either John Romero, Tom Hall or Brenda Brathwaite? I don't care if you're trolling, I'm actually just legit curious if you believe this.
I was accused of being Tom or Brenda, too. I guess anyone who supports this KS or defends them MUST BE THEM!! Freak

We get more than our share of shills an other people who lie about who they are to promote their own interests around here. You create an account today to attack people who aren't down with this KS and your little pal chiming right in so wtf do you expect? I'm so going to have a good laugh when this KS fails - at you and your little buddy. U bros are mad, huh?

You are right. I did register to respond to your baseless attacks (or actually outright ignorance) of the resume these guys have. Perhaps if you had turned it down a notch, I wouldn't have. But now, well, I have an account and will be using it

Bwahahaha! Devilish
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 03:12
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 03:12
Oct 6, 2012, 03:12
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 23:27:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:51:
Cutter wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:26:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 20:02:
Uhhh.. who exactly do you think I think I am, and who is this "we" that you speak of? Paranoid much?

Cool story, bro.

I have a question: Do you really, seriously think that I am either John Romero, Tom Hall or Brenda Brathwaite? I don't care if you're trolling, I'm actually just legit curious if you believe this.
I was accused of being Tom or Brenda, too. I guess anyone who supports this KS or defends them MUST BE THEM!! Freak

We get more than our share of shills an other people who lie about who they are to promote their own interests around here. You create an account today to attack people who aren't down with this KS and your little pal chiming right in so wtf do you expect? I'm so going to have a good laugh when this KS fails - at you and your little buddy. U bros are mad, huh?

"Van Gogh painted alone and in despair and in madness and sold one picture in his entire life. Millions struggled alone, unrecognized, and struggled as heroically as any famous hero. Was it worthless? I knew it wasn't."
Re: More Big Picture Details
Oct 6, 2012, 02:11
Re: More Big Picture Details Oct 6, 2012, 02:11
Oct 6, 2012, 02:11
Creston wrote on Oct 6, 2012, 00:19:
but if they get enough money (presumably to afford some devs to help out) they will turn the other world into its own adventure.


Isn't Loot Drop a team of 24 developers?
Avatar 17232
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 01:01
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 01:01
Oct 6, 2012, 01:01
I've had a few beers so I will admit I'm feeling good... still, some of you guys made me LMAO. Thanks.

Who suggested Romero was not involved? You were kidding right? He is right there in the video (four times) and the shot of the studio staff (dead center). Hell, if you pledge 10k he will deliver the game to your house.

Like I said before I am down. What can I say I love picking the underdog. Still they need to show us some of the work in progress or something... anything... to give us an idea of what their vision is. Because two games in one year I am think something along the lines of Legend of Grimrock. Unless their studio is a lot larger than the video led me to believe.
Avatar 11537
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 00:19
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 00:19
Oct 6, 2012, 00:19
dj LiTh wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 23:02:
Creston wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 21:12:
I like the idea of the two worlds joined by that bridge world, and working for a company that creates those bridge worlds. Seems pretty interesting.

I'm VERY, VERY skeptical, however, that they're going to churn this out in 12 months...


Two worlds joined by a bridge world.....couldnt that just be a complete game? Maybe i'm crazy or something but this just seems like smoke up ones ass.

What? I have no idea what you're even trying to imply. Hall is going to be designing one of the worlds, and Brathwaite will be designing the other world. They seem to be saying that you will play primarily in the medieval world, with probably a small excursion to the other world included, but if they get enough money (presumably to afford some devs to help out) they will turn the other world into its own adventure.

Avatar 15604
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 6, 2012, 00:10
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 6, 2012, 00:10
Oct 6, 2012, 00:10
Zanderat1 wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 23:27:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:51:
Cutter wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:26:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 20:02:
Uhhh.. who exactly do you think I think I am, and who is this "we" that you speak of? Paranoid much?

Cool story, bro.

I have a question: Do you really, seriously think that I am either John Romero, Tom Hall or Brenda Brathwaite? I don't care if you're trolling, I'm actually just legit curious if you believe this.
I was accused of being Tom or Brenda, too. I guess anyone who supports this KS or defends them MUST BE THEM!! Freak

Well, to be fair Zanerat1, your account was created today and you jumped right in on the attack. Being suspicious is pretty understandable. Madguy on the other hand has been around for some time and his posts are consistent. You may find it strange, but this site has a history with people pulling this shit, so folks are naturally a bit suspicious.

When names I don't recognize are unusually aggressive/defensive and their account is brand new it naturally seems like one of two things is going on. Either they have a pretty large ego to go after people they hardly know anything about, or they have a vested interest in the topic. Of course there are any number of other explanations, like alt trolling accounts, but I am sure you can see that it is completely reasonable to hold those two as the most likely. You'll notice that Cutter isn't accusing "noman" of being one of them...for example...despite his positive view on the KS.

This comment was edited on Oct 6, 2012, 00:59.
Avatar 55841
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 5, 2012, 23:27
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 5, 2012, 23:27
Oct 5, 2012, 23:27
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:51:
Cutter wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:26:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 20:02:
Uhhh.. who exactly do you think I think I am, and who is this "we" that you speak of? Paranoid much?

Cool story, bro.

I have a question: Do you really, seriously think that I am either John Romero, Tom Hall or Brenda Brathwaite? I don't care if you're trolling, I'm actually just legit curious if you believe this.
I was accused of being Tom or Brenda, too. I guess anyone who supports this KS or defends them MUST BE THEM!! Freak
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 5, 2012, 23:02
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 5, 2012, 23:02
Oct 5, 2012, 23:02
Creston wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 21:12:
I like the idea of the two worlds joined by that bridge world, and working for a company that creates those bridge worlds. Seems pretty interesting.

I'm VERY, VERY skeptical, however, that they're going to churn this out in 12 months...


Two worlds joined by a bridge world.....couldnt that just be a complete game? Maybe i'm crazy or something but this just seems like smoke up ones ass.
Avatar 46370
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview
Oct 5, 2012, 22:51
Re: Loot Drop Kickstarter Interview Oct 5, 2012, 22:51
Oct 5, 2012, 22:51
Cutter wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 22:26:
Madguy wrote on Oct 5, 2012, 20:02:
Uhhh.. who exactly do you think I think I am, and who is this "we" that you speak of? Paranoid much?

Cool story, bro.

I have a question: Do you really, seriously think that I am either John Romero, Tom Hall or Brenda Brathwaite? I don't care if you're trolling, I'm actually just legit curious if you believe this.
55 Replies. 3 pages. Viewing page 1.
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