Steam Top 10

Here's Valve's list of the 10 bestselling games on Steam for the week:

  1. Borderlands 2
  2. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
  3. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
  4. Arma 2: Combined Operations
  5. FTL: Faster Than Light
  6. Torchlight II
  7. Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition
  8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard
  9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3 Chaos Pack
  10. Borderlands 2 Season Pass
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Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 18, 2012, 08:02
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 18, 2012, 08:02
Sep 18, 2012, 08:02
**Deleted. Wrong thread.**
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
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Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 18, 2012, 07:09
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 18, 2012, 07:09
Sep 18, 2012, 07:09
LittleMe wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 12:11:
So I presume that these STEAM numbers include those of us who bought BL2 of GMG and registered the code in STEAM.

Creston wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 11:35:
Nah, I doubt that. There's around 100K people playing Day-Z every day

What? The game has sold like crazy for a few months, topping the steam list repeatedly. And that doesn't count retail. 500k to 1M units is much closer than your low-ball figure. 2M isn't out of question. And 100k online daily could fit into the 1M total sales number just fine.

The mod had a maximum of little under 200k player in 24h period, though it has now dwindled to under 80k. This is due to Rocket spending more time on standalone client and people using private hive servers where the game breaking bugs have been fixed.

The game was superb initially due to the unforgiving nature of the mod. But sadly it turned into a cod like community with people respawning and running to certain tents they knew had all the hi end gear they needed.

Let's hope the standalone will rock.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 18, 2012, 04:50
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 18, 2012, 04:50
Sep 18, 2012, 04:50
nin wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 10:14:
Two weeks with Skyrim out of the top 10.
To be honest, that's a pretty long run for a game though. Damn near a year in the top 10? Gotta be a record.
"For every human problem,
there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong."
--H.L. Mencken
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 18, 2012, 03:26
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 18, 2012, 03:26
Sep 18, 2012, 03:26
Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:39:
NegaDeath wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:27:
I Heart you FTL. You sadistic evil bastard you.

I actually wonder about replayability. I've seen the end ship. I've been throttled by him. But my strategy going in was very good.

Not sure how much more there is to see, or how much motion there can be in my strategy. I feel like I'm towards the end of my playing already.

I got to the end ship for the first time last night with my heavily pimped out engi cruiser, took the last boss down to one hit point and died.. no kidding. And I started right back up from the beginning with the plan b engi ship I had just unlocked, which was quite a bit more difficult than the A-type engi ship.

Such an amazing game though.. word is getting around on this one awfully quick.. and for good reasons!

Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 20:43:
Yeah, I'd love this on a tablet for my flight tomorrow.
It'd probably need to be turn based, though.

I dont see why turn-based would be necessary.. just a "pause" button seems to work fine =)

This comment was edited on Sep 18, 2012, 03:32.
Avatar 56178
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 18, 2012, 00:05
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 18, 2012, 00:05
Sep 18, 2012, 00:05
I think BL2 is unlocking!
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 23:07
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 23:07
Sep 17, 2012, 23:07
NegaDeath wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 22:51:
Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 22:06:
Oh, hey, just unlocked a third ship with a 90 minute playthrough.

3764 points. Didn't realize the final battle was multi-pronged. The first was easy, the second was not something I knew how to handle.

Yeah they throw a lot of stuff at you on that second wave. When I hit that I was fortunate enough to have a fully upgraded cloak and 51% evade.

I just fully upgraded my cloak with my new ship, trying it on Easy. Unfortunately, due to some breaches and fires, I lost all my original crew early on and only had 1 guy left. A former slave. A rock man. That was in Sector 2, early on. I made it far into Sector 4, and would have gone further but hit a dead end and had to double back 3 nodes into controlled territory. Man, watching that guy slowly walk to do repairs...

The time I made it to the second wave of the boss battle I had my entire original crew. One was maxed on flying, one maxed on engine and repair, another on weapons and repair, another on fighting and repair, and another just on repair. 7 crew members, all gained by Sector 2, none of whom died until the end.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 22:51
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 22:51
Sep 17, 2012, 22:51
Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 22:06:
Oh, hey, just unlocked a third ship with a 90 minute playthrough.

3764 points. Didn't realize the final battle was multi-pronged. The first was easy, the second was not something I knew how to handle.

Yeah they throw a lot of stuff at you on that second wave. When I hit that I was fortunate enough to have a fully upgraded cloak and 51% evade.
Avatar 57352
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 22:06
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 22:06
Sep 17, 2012, 22:06
Oh, hey, just unlocked a third ship with a 90 minute playthrough.

3764 points. Didn't realize the final battle was multi-pronged. The first was easy, the second was not something I knew how to handle.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 20:43
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 20:43
Sep 17, 2012, 20:43
Dev wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 19:20:
MisterBenn wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 19:07:
Also, get ready for a deluge of imitators. This kind of light content / controls / processing requirement gaming will spin a fortune on mobile devices for whoever makes the effort...
You mean like the almost finished star command? To be fair though, I think they started before FTL if I'm not mistaken.

Yeah, I'd love this on a tablet for my flight tomorrow.
It'd probably need to be turn based, though.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 19:20
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 19:20
Sep 17, 2012, 19:20
MisterBenn wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 19:07:
Also, get ready for a deluge of imitators. This kind of light content / controls / processing requirement gaming will spin a fortune on mobile devices for whoever makes the effort...
You mean like the almost finished star command? To be fair though, I think they started before FTL if I'm not mistaken.

This comment was edited on Sep 17, 2012, 19:34.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 19:07
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 19:07
Sep 17, 2012, 19:07
On my third game of FTL I managed to get and afford a decent second energy weapon quite quickly and that was my best run by far, I got mutual destruction with the final boss. It's already been great value for money but I agree there seems to be a small number of random events. I would hope the support would run a little longer and then hopefully in the same spirit as the kickstarter the game would then be opened to modding, then its trajectory would extend hugely. I suspect people would produce good amounts of events and content, along with the obligatory Star Trek and Star Wars mods of course. Escaping the Empire's fleet with the Death Star schematics would be awesome!

Also, get ready for a deluge of imitators. This kind of light content / controls / processing requirement gaming will spin a fortune on mobile devices for whoever makes the effort...
Avatar 56105
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 18:45
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 18:45
Sep 17, 2012, 18:45
Verno wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 10:40:
Knoxx had some real warts though that people tend to forget about. The highway sections were obnoxious and filled with back travel time padding. Enemies tended to just instantly gib your shields yet took a ridiculous amount of punishment themselves against most guns/elemental types. The real saving grace was decent writing and the big lootfest that players had been expecting since the game came out.

Borderlands DLC in general was really iffy, I am "passing" on a seasons pass for that reason.

Yea, lots of dead space, but that is my only complaint of the game in general anyway.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 17:34
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 17:34
Sep 17, 2012, 17:34
dj LiTh wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 16:36:
I'm sad to say i liked it so much, i played it for about 8 hours straight after work and then beat it....after restarting so many times i feel like i keep seeing the same story options. I really hope they support it more post release...although i doubt they will somehow.

I've read that there will be post-release updates. During development they even took suggestions for new events from high kickstarters. It'd be nice if they took general submissions, I know I have a few ideas. Deliciously evil ideas....mwahahaha
Avatar 57352
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 16:36
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 16:36
Sep 17, 2012, 16:36
NegaDeath wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:27:
I Heart you FTL. You sadistic evil bastard you.

I'm sad to say i liked it so much, i played it for about 8 hours straight after work and then beat it....after restarting so many times i feel like i keep seeing the same story options. I really hope they support it more post release...although i doubt they will somehow.
Avatar 46370
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 16:33
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 16:33
Sep 17, 2012, 16:33
Prez wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:41:
Verno wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 11:45:
Valve has usually said that the Steam list is ordered by raw revenue, I assume its just whatever is passing through the payment processor.

That's interesting if true, because it means a game like FTL would have to sell 5 times as many units to beat a $50 game like XCOM.
I've seen this question asked many times on bluesnews in threads like this. I've even answered it a few times
The best answer is the one valve gives:
The top selling games on Steam by revenue for the week

I suppose its theoretically possible for them to have front page top sellers be based on a different metric than the weekly though.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 16:13
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 16:13
Sep 17, 2012, 16:13
Dev wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 16:01:
Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:39:
NegaDeath wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:27:
I Heart you FTL. You sadistic evil bastard you.

I actually wonder about replayability. I've seen the end ship. I've been throttled by him. But my strategy going in was very good.

Not sure how much more there is to see, or how much motion there can be in my strategy. I feel like I'm towards the end of my playing already.
Well, there's easy and normal, and also all the unlockable ships, and each ship has an alternate unlockable layout. Plus one of the ships is a bit special
Also, in one of the last patches he added events, so it wouldn't surprise me if he continues to add content to the game.

Yeah, unlocking ships is no fun, though. Some of those achievements don't seem enjoyable to go after, and I'm surprised at how slowly ships unlock on their own.
Easy/Normal doesn't change the game much, just changes how easy it is, and due to the randomness I'm noticing little variation between them. Sure, you can fight off invaders invincibly in the med ward on Easy, but I don't seem to consistently go further on Easy than Normal.

And I fully expect more things to be thrown in, which may make this like MineCraft for me - return every 6 months or so.

I played for 6 hours over the weekend, which is a ton. But I feel like I hit the limit of what I can do. I adored those 6 hours, but after seeing the end I feel like there isn't much more to see. Even still, though, I'm having unique ways for games to end that are a blast (too often it's mostly just "fire everywhere, no oxygen, mantis' overrunning everything!" but man, the times you almost make it out of that are a blast.)
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 16:06
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 16:06
Sep 17, 2012, 16:06
Prez wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:41:
Verno wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 11:45:
Valve has usually said that the Steam list is ordered by raw revenue, I assume its just whatever is passing through the payment processor.

That's interesting if true, because it means a game like FTL would have to sell 5 times as many units to beat a $50 game like XCOM.

That's been Gabe's contention all along- good, relatively inexpensive games outsell good expensive ones. That's in-line with microeconomics .

I think he's partially right- on the other hand the "shelf life" of an expensive AAA title may be a bit longer- i.e. when everyone has moved on from FTL people will still be buying XCOM at progressively lower price points.

PS micro was the only economics course I took that didn't turn out to be horseshit- almost everything I was taught in macro and banking has been thrown on its ear over the last several years. Good old price-demand curves still seem to work though.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 16:04
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 16:04
Sep 17, 2012, 16:04
Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:39:
NegaDeath wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:27:
I Heart you FTL. You sadistic evil bastard you.

I actually wonder about replayability. I've seen the end ship. I've been throttled by him. But my strategy going in was very good.

Not sure how much more there is to see, or how much motion there can be in my strategy. I feel like I'm towards the end of my playing already.

I'm in the same boat, however, I always feel like I can do something better. I'm not worried about replayability. I hope the devs support and update this title. I see no reason why CO-OP, better story more engaging story (rando style), longer campaign, more weapons, etc... can't be added with relative ease to the current build. The potential here is awesome.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 16:01
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 16:01
Sep 17, 2012, 16:01
Beamer wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:39:
NegaDeath wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 15:27:
I Heart you FTL. You sadistic evil bastard you.

I actually wonder about replayability. I've seen the end ship. I've been throttled by him. But my strategy going in was very good.

Not sure how much more there is to see, or how much motion there can be in my strategy. I feel like I'm towards the end of my playing already.
Well, there's easy and normal, and also all the unlockable ships, and each ship has an alternate unlockable layout. Plus one of the ships is a bit special
Also, in one of the last patches he added events, so it wouldn't surprise me if he continues to add content to the game.

This comment was edited on Sep 17, 2012, 16:33.
Re: Steam Top 10
Sep 17, 2012, 15:41
Re: Steam Top 10 Sep 17, 2012, 15:41
Sep 17, 2012, 15:41
Verno wrote on Sep 17, 2012, 11:45:
Valve has usually said that the Steam list is ordered by raw revenue, I assume its just whatever is passing through the payment processor.

That's interesting if true, because it means a game like FTL would have to sell 5 times as many units to beat a $50 game like XCOM.
"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
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