Beamer wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 14:26:
ledhead1969 wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 14:20:
Beamer wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 13:38:
sauron wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 13:33:
Verno wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 13:26:
I posted many times saying Duke Nukem Forever would never come out...
Now it finally did, and we all wish it hadn't.
Yeah, if I was going to mention my third incorrect prediction of the day (the first being that the Revolution would be awesome, the second being that the Wii would be a failure, though that's debatable-ish) it would be my years of predicting that, if DNF came out, it'd be awesome.
I stopped that years before it came out, too, haha.
Has Revolution started? Is it terrible?
I meant the Nintendo codename for the Wii, back when it was all rumors about crazy stuff (at one point people claimed the "revolution" was being able to render hair realistically in real time.)
As for the show, not yet but probably.
The show starts Monday, though the pilot's been online for awhile already.
As for the Black Mesa download, two of the mirrors die out on me after about 450 MB, so I guess I'll wait awhile until it becomes more readily available.
BL2 is ready to roll! Bring on the guns!!