Axis wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 09:57:
I already mentioned it was pretty fun lobbing trebuchet loads on people, but go ahead and disregard what I wrote sometimes it's the only way people can fool themselves into believing something they want to.
The game suffers from "looks good on paper", and the realities are a shimmer of what you expect it to be. I too had similar expectations of DAOC for rvr, but you know what... it doesn't play or feel anything like it. Looks good on paper, so statistically it should but it doesn't, not by a long shot.
In GW1 there was Guild vs Guild, 4 vs 4, Hero Arenas, Hero Ascent, Codex Arena, structured PVP , Lux vs Kurz fort aspenwood, joint missions, and there were thousands of ways to build your character. Real builds, meaningful builds. Builds endgame building was integral and highly enjoyable in GW1, and damn near limitless all for taking those builds to the many pvp outlets. GW2 is a joke comparatively that's not even up for argument. Where you would quest and work on builds for endgame pvp in GW1, you grind points for looks in GW2.
I've already been accused of "rushing" and have played all endgame extensively pve and pvp. I "L2P" quicker than most, I'm fine with that. And there will be people who enjoy what I do not when they get to where I've been in the game -- part of life.
I think you're overstating it but I do agree with your general premise, at least in part. I find the GW2 skill system a sad, pale shadow of what GW had. And it did make the PvP (along with everything else) more interesting IMO.