Axis wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 22:12:
Fion wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 20:13:
Axis wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 14:20:
I like GW2 but the longevity is not there as many will soon see.
I recommend you watch Wooden Potatoes video on End Game. Here, I'll even link it for you.
The idea that an MMOG should cater out repetitive content to keep people playing for as long as possible is simply yet another old MMOG trope (or.. brainwashing, I'd prefer to think), that just does not pertain to GW2.
And pvp which pales in comparison to it's predecessor GW1 which is a fairly big deal to me as I've stated, but more importantly I find pvp and wvw bland and predictable. However MMO pvp isn't my idea of engaging skillful combat anyway (last one I truly enjoyed was daoc) - I prefer mine in FPSs like Quakelive, tribes, etc so I'm admittedly biased
This is where I call BS on your entire post. Because if you had actually participated in WvWvW you would have instantly recognized it as DAOC (
Which is apparently the last PVP you enjoyed). It is exactly... RvRvR. There is no difference, not one bit of difference, they took every single aspect of DAOC's PVP and put it in their WvWvW. Keeps, Towers, Destructable Doors and Walls with the use of Siege Weapons, huge gank squads running between held keeps to insure keeping the area clear. Hell ANET even ADDED to DAOC's formula with the use of Camps to aquire Supplies rather than just being able to buy supplies at a vendor and make whatever siege weapons you want, you actually have to make sure your camps are held so that supply trains can deliver supplies to the front lines and OTHER people have to help you build siege equipment with the supplies they are carrying. Perhaps your server just sucks at WvWvW, I don't know. I am on Shadow's Furnace which was the unofficial DAOC players server on MMO Champion. So there are days when we own 95% of the map depending on the servers we are placed against.
If you're not going to bother even playing an aspect of a game before commenting on it, it pretty much negates anything else you have to say as far as I'm concerned.