NCsoft®, the world’s premier publisher and developer of massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) and ArenaNet, developer of the renowned Guild Wars franchise, has announced that the chart-topping MMO Guild Wars 2 has sold more than two million units. Despite temporarily halting first-party sales and replenishing retail stores to maintain an optimal player experience, Guild Wars 2 surpassed the two million sales milestone shortly after turning sales back on.
Axis wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 09:57:I think you're overstating it but I do agree with your general premise, at least in part. I find the GW2 skill system a sad, pale shadow of what GW had. And it did make the PvP (along with everything else) more interesting IMO.
I already mentioned it was pretty fun lobbing trebuchet loads on people, but go ahead and disregard what I wrote sometimes it's the only way people can fool themselves into believing something they want to.
The game suffers from "looks good on paper", and the realities are a shimmer of what you expect it to be. I too had similar expectations of DAOC for rvr, but you know what... it doesn't play or feel anything like it. Looks good on paper, so statistically it should but it doesn't, not by a long shot.
In GW1 there was Guild vs Guild, 4 vs 4, Hero Arenas, Hero Ascent, Codex Arena, structured PVP , Lux vs Kurz fort aspenwood, joint missions, and there were thousands of ways to build your character. Real builds, meaningful builds. Builds endgame building was integral and highly enjoyable in GW1, and damn near limitless all for taking those builds to the many pvp outlets. GW2 is a joke comparatively that's not even up for argument. Where you would quest and work on builds for endgame pvp in GW1, you grind points for looks in GW2.
I've already been accused of "rushing" and have played all endgame extensively pve and pvp. I "L2P" quicker than most, I'm fine with that. And there will be people who enjoy what I do not when they get to where I've been in the game -- part of life.
Eccentric wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 07:49:
That's, what, $100+ million in sales?
Anyone know any figures on what this means in terms of development and running costs? Is that enough to break even and the rest is profit, or nowhere near it yet?
Dades wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 22:47:
Who needs things like story, pvp, unique events or world completion? Obviously what this game needs is hundreds of identical daily quests and 100 armor sets to collect until the next content patch resets player progress to zero.
Jivaro wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 19:24:
That is the other thing..I notice far more people actually switching weapons mid-fight as I level up. Again, a sign that people are starting to learn their class. From 10-15 I don't see a lot of that, from 20 on up I see a lot of it, particularly within the rangers and guardians.
Eccentric wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 07:49:
That's, what, $100+ million in sales?
Anyone know any figures on what this means in terms of development and running costs? Is that enough to break even and the rest is profit, or nowhere near it yet?
sauron wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 10:07:
My two characters are only level 14 and level 4 so far, so running out of content won't be a problem for months. But I did notice a good article by the devs on endgame today:
They also mention they're working on a lot of new events for that section of the game:The launch of Guild Wars 2 is just the start. With the game now out in the hands of the players, we can focus our efforts to adding new types of events, new dungeons, new bosses, new rewards, and new places for players to explore. Together, our journey is just now beginning, and I hope to see you in-game.
Could be just BS, but it'll be interesting to see what they come up with.
The launch of Guild Wars 2 is just the start. With the game now out in the hands of the players, we can focus our efforts to adding new types of events, new dungeons, new bosses, new rewards, and new places for players to explore. Together, our journey is just now beginning, and I hope to see you in-game.
Trevellian wrote on Sep 14, 2012, 08:05:Axis wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 22:12:Fion wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 20:13:Axis wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 14:20:
I like GW2 but the longevity is not there as many will soon see.
I recommend you watch Wooden Potatoes video on End Game. Here, I'll even link it for you.![]()
The idea that an MMOG should cater out repetitive content to keep people playing for as long as possible is simply yet another old MMOG trope (or.. brainwashing, I'd prefer to think), that just does not pertain to GW2.
And pvp which pales in comparison to it's predecessor GW1 which is a fairly big deal to me as I've stated, but more importantly I find pvp and wvw bland and predictable. However MMO pvp isn't my idea of engaging skillful combat anyway (last one I truly enjoyed was daoc) - I prefer mine in FPSs like Quakelive, tribes, etc so I'm admittedly biased
This is where I call BS on your entire post. Because if you had actually participated in WvWvW you would have instantly recognized it as DAOC (Which is apparently the last PVP you enjoyed). It is exactly... RvRvR. There is no difference, not one bit of difference, they took every single aspect of DAOC's PVP and put it in their WvWvW. Keeps, Towers, Destructable Doors and Walls with the use of Siege Weapons, huge gank squads running between held keeps to insure keeping the area clear. Hell ANET even ADDED to DAOC's formula with the use of Camps to aquire Supplies rather than just being able to buy supplies at a vendor and make whatever siege weapons you want, you actually have to make sure your camps are held so that supply trains can deliver supplies to the front lines and OTHER people have to help you build siege equipment with the supplies they are carrying. Perhaps your server just sucks at WvWvW, I don't know. I am on Shadow's Furnace which was the unofficial DAOC players server on MMO Champion. So there are days when we own 95% of the map depending on the servers we are placed against.
If you're not going to bother even playing an aspect of a game before commenting on it, it pretty much negates anything else you have to say as far as I'm concerned.
which class do you like the least?
Axis wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 22:12:Fion wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 20:13:Axis wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 14:20:
I like GW2 but the longevity is not there as many will soon see.
I recommend you watch Wooden Potatoes video on End Game. Here, I'll even link it for you.![]()
The idea that an MMOG should cater out repetitive content to keep people playing for as long as possible is simply yet another old MMOG trope (or.. brainwashing, I'd prefer to think), that just does not pertain to GW2.
And pvp which pales in comparison to it's predecessor GW1 which is a fairly big deal to me as I've stated, but more importantly I find pvp and wvw bland and predictable. However MMO pvp isn't my idea of engaging skillful combat anyway (last one I truly enjoyed was daoc) - I prefer mine in FPSs like Quakelive, tribes, etc so I'm admittedly biased
NewMaxx wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 16:53:Verno wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 11:18:
It's all about skill and self-sufficiency. Holy trinity creates a ludicrous inter-dependency and quite frankly has been done to death, there was room for innovation here and they achieved it.
You are on the right track, but you don't take this thought far enough. The problem with the traditional Trinity is that it inevitably ends up relying on DPS over the other two. I'm not talking any one specific boss or instance, I'm talking on the whole. You end up with things like timers, boss rage mode, etc., that clearly illustrate this fact. Yet people still embrace it as if it were the best and only way to do things, when in reality it should have been abandoned the very second it was no longer a true "trinity."
It was much less noticeable in the MMO's of old, where you had either dedicated and professional players, raids of 40 people, or different mechanics entirely. What you have in its place is a stale and modern standard that ultimately is casual in its reliance. That's why DPS is the king of the Trinity now - people like to do damage more than they like to heal or tank. It's just more flashy, and easier to level. So this is very much a symptom of underlying issues in the entire paradigm.
The mold needs to be broken. ...
PropheT wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 18:13:Quinn wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 11:02:
I'm not going to flame GW2 anymore. I've spend a fair amount of time doing that already in an earlier topic. What I have come to realize is that, quite simply, at this moment there are 2 types of MMO players: Those that like the WoW types and those that like the GW2 types.
I think there are two types of MMO players. Those that like the WoW types, those that like GW2 types, and those that like both types.
I didn't like GW2 at first but have been playing the crap out of it the last week or so. I hated WoW at first, too, and wound up playing it for years. I like most of the MMO's that have come out in some way or another, honestly, from GW1 to Warhammer.
The two games aren't disparate, it's not like we're talking Second Life to Guild Wars here. There's bound to be considerable overlap in player base among fantasy MMORPG's of any kind.
coolkev99 wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 20:48:Yet Diablo III sold over 3 million copies in < 24h.
Jeez people, it hasn't even been 1 month yet! It took WoW over 6 months to reach 3.5 million.
sauron wrote on Sep 13, 2012, 11:40:
I love the phrasing on that - I think at least half of the DPS guys I knew in FFXI would fail that test. So many dopes.![]()
I think in terms of IQ it was support>tank>healer>>>>>>>>>>>DPS.