Verno wrote on Aug 29, 2012, 11:58:
despite the fact that the game has no real aggro control and his stuns were long cooldown moves. What's funny is that I suggested we change things up a bit because the game isn't really based around those concepts and was met with almost hostility from people who wanted to heal, DPS and tank alone.
While certainty the so-called Holy Trinity doesn't hold up in this game per se, there are definitely heal-, dps-, and tank-based builds. Aggro does exist in this game, it's just that half of it is dependent on position relative to the mob rather than being purely heal/dps-based. I know this because I play a guardian either as a tank or a healer and you can spec to be rather good at either.
For ex., for the tank build, you need skills that allow you to get close (teleports), grab aggro (AoE) in addition to proximity alone, stabilizers (no knockdown etc.), break-frees (some teleports, etc.), with less reliance actually on stuns and push-backs because higher level mobs are immune anyway. And you must swap weapons to be effective; personally, I find sword and scepter (shield auto-swaps) ideal for that role, lets you teleport and do ranged/AoE dmg if need be. You also need hit Vit and especially Toughness, and defensive-/shield-based traits. Trust me, you can tank, although it's best to only be a "most of the time" tank, as full-time will lead to your death; it's more of a rotation with a lynchpin.
Just saying that while you may have been playing with pigeon-holed players, you risk becoming that yourself if you ignore that there ARE people who are mastering the raid mechanics specific to this game that, while different, are not completely unique. They're just applied in a new way. Of course, this is much less relevant for PVP, which is a large part of Guild Wars. I didn't get into the healing aspect because the post would become tl;dr.
This comment was edited on Aug 31, 2012, 02:51.