Paranoid Jack wrote on Aug 29, 2012, 03:08:
Cutter, how much more space did your bank unlock open up?
One of my biggest gripes is the shared bank across all toons. Pretty much forces you to open more space using gems. I like that the toons share collectibles. That I can applaud. While I play alts and focus on other crafting skills what I've gathered but can't use contributes to the leveling of my other character just by sending the items to the collectibles storage/bank.
My other complaint is that I'm having fun with every profession so far. Somebody was talking about thier Necro being boring? Did you try a dual dagger wielding necro? Adds a nice twist to the class.... er, profession.
Another thing I noticed is you can only have characters on one server at a time? And five is the limit? Not sure I like that since I wanted to try them all without deleting any. The flips side is it helps me focus on what I got instead of trying every profession there is before making the tough decision on which I like best.
Leaning toward the Engineer and the Ranger as my two mains. Though the Guardian is a blast to play and I have yet to try the Warrior, the Thief, and the Mesmer.
Haven't got the guild bank yet, still need 2000 more influence, sigh. And that's only for 50 slots. The Mez has some neat tricks but was woefully underpowered in the BWEs. Didn't care for the thief, just too used to the standard rogue role to enjoy it.
“With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." - Aaron Sati