Been having a blast in the headstart, I didn't approach it as WoW and this definitely helped. It's kind of amusing watching just how badly conditioned players are to the "stand still and spam butan" MMO combat model, I watched a Veteran mob wipe the floor with about 6 people last night. I approach it more like an ARPG with MMO trappings and find it pretty damned fun.
My thief is at level 14 and my Guardian is 15. Still can't decide which one I want to play going forward, they are both damned fun. Done a lot of exploration, its nice to see things exist without a seeming purpose or quest hub. I found some crazy underwater cavern with jumping puzzles and stuff last night. I'd encourage people to get out there beyond the renown heart stuff, there is a lot of hidden stuff to find.
Overall the launch has been pretty good but they have some stuff to work out:
- Guilds over 250 members are broken, invites stop working at that point
- Trading Post is always down, fix this shit please
- Party invites across instances are wonky
- A few event triggers are bugged, most likely from a player starting them and logging out.
Not sure, I was on most of yesterday and Sunday. On the Server Maguuma. I know that Verno said hes playing on this server. Not sure about anyone else. Made lv 22 and stopped for the night.
I am indeed on Maguuma with Starfleet Dental. The Blues guild is on Tarnished Coast but it doesn't really matter which specific server you are on, you can belong to multiple guilds across different servers. The only thing you can't do is WvWvW with a cross-server guild.
Server transfers are free for the first week too so people can always change their mind to hop back and forth to play with friends.