Dishonored Creative Kills Trailer

The Bethesda Blog now offers a new "Creative Kills" trailer from Dishonored, showing gameplay from Arkane's upcoming stealth/action game. Word is: "The latest Dishonored video showcases just a few of the ways that you can eliminate your enemies using the flexible combat system. Creatively combine supernatural abilities with the weapons and gadgets at your disposal, including self-induced friendly fire and the ever-popular mobile rat bomb."

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Re: Dishonored Creative Kills Trailer
Aug 10, 2012, 23:27
Re: Dishonored Creative Kills Trailer Aug 10, 2012, 23:27
Aug 10, 2012, 23:27
wtf_man wrote on Aug 10, 2012, 10:36:
Jerykk wrote on Aug 9, 2012, 23:06:
I really like that you can attach mines to rats. However, the ability to pause time still looks incredibly overpowered.

Difficulty in a game has never been a criteria for me... other than overly difficult = way too frustrating and probably either no sale, or I'll use cheats.

So, as long as the game is fun, I don't mind overpowered options. The beauty is you don't have to use them. I've played many o' game where my second run through was "stealth only", "non-lethal only (or mostly)", or some other challenging and entertaining way to play though again.

I guess the problem is that challenge is necessary for me to have fun. If I can breeze through a game, I'll get bored pretty quickly. I'm definitely going to use the highest difficulty and ghost my way through the game (no killing or incapacitating anyone unless the objective requires it). But even that playstyle will be too easy if I can teleport, possess people and pause time. We'll have to see how they balanced the mana costs of those abilities against the availability of mana regen items.
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   Re: Dishonored Creative Kills Trailer
Aug 10, 2012Aug 10 2012
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Aug 10, 2012Aug 10 2012