PC Orbitron: Revolution Announced

Firebase Industries announces a PC edition of Orbitron: Revolution, their indie shoot-em-up that's available for Xbox 360. They offer some screenshots of the PC edition and the following rundown on what to expect:
All new screenshots of the PC version running at 1080p. The PC version supports variable resolutions from 1280×720 and up to 1920×1200. Players can use either the keyboard controls or Xbox controller for PC. The UI and HUD have all been created for display in 1920×1080 so there shouldn’t be any ugly upscaling issues when running in full HD. On our hardware at Firebase we achieve 60fps and the game has been rewritten to accomodate this framerate which is up from the Xbox 360′s 30fps.

We really wanted to give PC gamers a excellent version of the game and not a straight conversion of the Xbox 360 version. I think we have achieved something that the PC audience will really enjoy!
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Re: PC Orbitron: Revolution Announced
Jan 27, 2012, 20:59
Re: PC Orbitron: Revolution Announced Jan 27, 2012, 20:59
Jan 27, 2012, 20:59
If you were raised in the arcades of the 80s and liked Defender/Stargate/Strike Force, chances are you'll like this game. They gave Eugene Jarvis a copy and got his (unofficial) thumbs up.

[Full disclosure: the guys at Firebase are ex-coworkers of mine. While I've yet to play the PC version, I did buy and play the XLIG one.]
Jan 27, 2012Jan 27 2012
Re: PC Orbitron: Revolution Announced
Jan 27, 2012Jan 27 2012
Jan 27, 2012Jan 27 2012
Jan 28, 2012Jan 28 2012
Jan 28, 2012Jan 28 2012
Jan 28, 2012Jan 28 2012