Played BF since BF1942, bit my tongue for a while now but I am very disappointed with the way this beta was done.
So many issues and bugs that it blows my mind that it was released to public for testing.
If DICE wanted to show the gaming community what BF is all about, they would've released Caspian Border as the main map. They're not going to win CoD fanboys with the unfinished version of Metro. You can polish a turd with pretty graphics but it's still a turd. What was DICE thinking?
-Cheaters and exploiters are running around freely and all they can say is that you're studying them. How bout some early bans to restore faith in BF community.
-Squading was done so well in BFBC2, now you can't even select a squad your clan mates are in. (I heard a fix is coming, I doubt it will come out at release)
-As DICE is aware, most hard core gamers use multiple key mouse controls but no support was included in beta. *facepalm*
-Browser based server selection and multiple drop down menus crap. You know how you accidentally go to a web site that spams your screen with crap and popups. Yea, you guessed it, that's what battlelog feels like. On top of that, you have to launch Origin, which launches a browser window, which then launches the game. Brilliant! *sarcasm*
-In game menu available only when player is alive, for the same reason you can't exit the game. I'd like to know who came up with that brilliant idea and give them the Darwin award.
Friendly flashlight and red laser blind. Want to piss off your team, simply attach a flash light and flash it on them as they try to engage the enemy. Jolly good time.
Bugs: Clipping problems/warping/hit detection/cross-hairs disappear/have to click DEPLOY multiple times to deploy/enemy names show up through smoke and cover/get stuck on small rocks/can't jump over small rocks, etc, etc.
Watch - watch this video because that's pretty much why my clan mates are yelling curses on TS - could go on but I feel better now after ranting for a bit.