The rise of the FPS was the fall of the Flight Sim. Not sure how you're disputing this.
FPS games have been blurred by all the mixed gameplay we're seeing shoehorned in, but to say that FPS is the death of Flying Sims?
Yeah, no.
Flying and driving simulators have always been around and getting improved, while new forms of simulator get invented.
Train simulators, trucking simulators, even a bus simulator that claims to be the most realistic presentation of driving a city bus evarrr.
Doom didn't kill any of them. Doom didn't even hold a candle to them because there were plenty of people who preferred Descent or Terminal Velocity to Doom. Hell I knew people who preferred Magic Carpet to Doom for the simple fact that Doom was limiting.
Having said that, Doom was in its own genre alongside Ken Labyrinth, Blake Stone and later, Rise of the Triad.
It wasn't competing with Chuck Yeager or MS FS 5.
Also, I don't remember anybody bench marking their PCs with Doom, unless by benchmarking you mean: "Yep, DX"
This memory lane moment brought to you in part by Bluesnews, and Gamers like you.