And it's less that I want to be an obnoxious know-it-all and more that the predictable flow of these topics is aggravating.
"Oh woe is me, my favorite game from when I was 12 is being remade and it's going to be an FPS! How dare they! Surely some $uit in marketing is responsible for this. It will be terrible. What made this game important was the perspective and nothing else, and changing that means this will be a flaming pile while keeping the perspective means it would be an amazing game that was certainly worth the time, money and effort for the developer! This is why I only play indies, yet rather than look to their community for a true successor I'll cry about how this name is so important and can't be used for anything that has a new perspective under any circumstances!"
People need to get over a name and look forward to good games.
There are plenty out there to choose from and, coming from Starbreeze, this will probably be another. We won't know for a long time, as of right now we pretty much just know the name, genre and setting of this game, and the more important two of those three look solid enough...