Verno wrote on Aug 16, 2011, 10:03:Prez wrote on Aug 16, 2011, 08:01:
I really want to support these guys, but I'm not sure I can stomach another WW2 military shooter, no matter how good. Maybe the burnout will lessen soon...
There haven't exactly been a glut of them recently, its all about the zombies these days. It looks extremely well done and its like $28 at GMG with preorder code stacking so why not give it a chance? This is exactly the type of PC development I want to reward - dedicated server binaries, SDK, etc.
Prez wrote on Aug 16, 2011, 08:01:
I really want to support these guys, but I'm not sure I can stomach another WW2 military shooter, no matter how good. Maybe the burnout will lessen soon...
Prez wrote on Aug 16, 2011, 08:01:
I really want to support these guys, but I'm not sure I can stomach another WW2 military shooter, no matter how good. Maybe the burnout will lessen soon...
DangerDog wrote on Aug 15, 2011, 14:40:
For a second there I thought they were taking a jab at EA's "Origin" but it seems there is a laptop maker with that name.
They're definitely saying all the right things with regards to releasing a proper PC title, and for that alone I've preordered.
DangerDog wrote on Aug 15, 2011, 14:40:
For a second there I thought they were taking a jab at EA's "Origin" but it seems there is a laptop maker with that name.
They're definitely saying all the right things with regards to releasing a proper PC title, and for that alone I've preordered.
ELITE wrote on Aug 15, 2011, 13:30:
I think grandpa was confused because little timmy was playing with a panzer when he asked about a t34...
ASeven wrote on Aug 15, 2011, 13:02:
Oh, a helpful advice for people to enjoy the game more, watch the movie Stalingrad. It'll get you right into the mood.