"We’re working on future projects in the Dragon Age franchise," he acknowledged. "We have some more DLC plans, that actually address some of the feedback from some of our core fans. I think that’s going to be really satisfying to fans who liked DAO and DA2. We haven’t announced Dragon Age III formally at all, but we can say we’re definitely thinking about future products. There’s some cool stuff in the works there."
Verno wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 10:25:
It's a strange form of public posturing, as if admitting weakness will harm the IP or something. I don't really understand the mentality either, gamers eat up humility in developers and publishers when they bother to show it. I'd love a job where I didn't have to take any responsibility for my mistakes and my bosses would tell customers that they simply didn't get it.
I'd be far more willing to buy Dragon Age 3 if they had admitted they misunderstood what people liked about the original and simply released the game too early. Instead we get a bunch of half hearted apologies that are equal parts audience blame.
wonkawonka wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 06:10:
To respond to @Dirwulf,
In fact, with a proper strategy, the fights play themselves. You just need to constantly bash the "target nearest" key, and every once in a while press 1-2-3-4 to do the über combo you set up.
that actually address some of the feedback from some of our core fans.
Asmo wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 09:45:
The fucking game devs are starting to sound like politicians...
Fion - How exactly did DA2 introduce a wider audience to the series when it sold half as many copies? DA1 sold a million more copies than Mass Effect 2 for crying out loud, DA2 didn't even come close. So how exactly is that 'a wider audience'?
They realize they fucked up bigtime, they just don't want to admit it out loud.`
Dirwulf wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 01:18:Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I am willing to bet that 99% of the people on Blues never even played the game, much less played through it, they just like to spew hate and vitriol.
Dades wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 07:27:Dirwulf wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 01:18:
I am not embarrassed to admit it. I LOVED DAII, I played through it twice and I will play it at least one more time as a mage, for that story line.
I liked it better than DAO, as a matter of fact.
I am willing to bet that 99% of the people on Blues never even played the game, much less played through it, they just like to spew hate and vitriol.
"I spent 30 minutes with teh game and it SUZKZORS. Listen to me roar!! You are an idiot if you liked this game. My opinion is the only one that matters." - welcome to Blues News.
Do you not see the irony in what you just posted? It's pretty sad that the only way you can feel secure about your opinion is to attempt to discredit everyone else.
I think DA2 sold pretty well.
Dirwulf wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 01:18:I am not about to spend $60 for a game I can not return. You are completely delusional if you expect people to do this with how PC gaming is now a days. The demo gave me enough feel for what it had become and that this title was a no buy. Hell, the first trailers and released information on this game made me shudder.
I am willing to bet that 99% of the people on Blues never even played the game, much less played through it, they just like to spew hate and vitriol.
Julio wrote on Aug 10, 2011, 07:59:
Here's why I didn't purchase DA2 and will not likely be buying DA3 or any Bioware products in the future.
Bioware no longer makes games that are what I want. I'm hoping that someone else will.
Here's why DA2 went from a 'must buy on day one' to 'never buying it':
1) Loss of overhead camera (made me wait for a demo/reviews)
2) Gameplay changes such as 'waves of mobs'
3) The demo sucked (and likely the full game did too)
4) Bioware employee(s) posted their own reviews (without revealing their conflict of interest). To me that's pretty fradulent.
5) Metacritic user reviews clearly showed the game sucked
6) PC Gamer gave it a score in the high 90s.
7) Development time/effort was too short, clearly shown in the repeating of map areas. Maybe DA3 will take place in only one room with different colors each time.
8) Bioware is doing lots of damage control BS. Basically the game sucked, but Bioware is right, and made the right decisions. So DA3 will be worse.
Overall, I suspect EA isn't happy with the lower amount of sales DA2 did than DA1. Or maybe DA2 sold well and they fooled lots of gamers into paying for it. But I doubt DA2 sales > DA1 sales, and I'll predict DA3 sales will be worse.