Agent.X7 wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 15:19:
You admit your ignorance of this type of product several times, but continue to assure us that you know its value. Interesting.
Jonny wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 13:05:This thread is full of whine. If you don't like it, don't buy it. No need to classify anyone who does buy it as some type of mental defective just because you can't see the worth. That just makes you a sad, sad person.
The only whine in it is coming from the "don't like it, don't buy it" crowd, who seem to be personally offended when a blatant rip-off is pointed out. Mysteriously, people are perfectly capable of distinguishing between their personal tastes and an objective assesment of the value of an item.
As a hypothetical example, two people collect swords. One buys a hand-forged sword from a swordsmith for $2000, the other a factory stamped stainless steel "Limited Edition" replica for $1000. I don't collect swords, yet I can objectively determine that Person A probably got value for money whereas Person B paid drastically over the material value for the "Limited Edition" tag.
Whether he's happy with it or not is irrelevant, whether I collect or value them or not is irrelevant, it's still objectively a rip off and can be labelled as such without trite aphorisms being waved around.
PHJF wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 13:00:This thread is full of whine. If you don't like it, don't buy it. No need to classify anyone who does buy it as some type of mental defective just because you can't see the worth. That just makes you a sad, sad person.
I'm not going to buy it you fuckin idiot, or wasn't that clear by my saying this shit is overpriced?
Jonny wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 13:05:This thread is full of whine. If you don't like it, don't buy it. No need to classify anyone who does buy it as some type of mental defective just because you can't see the worth. That just makes you a sad, sad person.
The only whine in it is coming from the "don't like it, don't buy it" crowd, who seem to be personally offended when a blatant rip-off is pointed out. Mysteriously, people are perfectly capable of distinguishing between their personal tastes and an objective assesment of the value of an item.
As a hypothetical example, two people collect swords. One buys a hand-forged sword from a swordsmith for $2000, the other a factory stamped stainless steel "Limited Edition" replica for $1000. I don't collect swords, yet I can objectively determine that Person A probably got value for money whereas Person B paid drastically over the material value for the "Limited Edition" tag.
Whether he's happy with it or not is irrelevant, whether I collect or value them or not is irrelevant, it's still objectively a rip off and can be labelled as such without trite aphorisms being waved around.
This thread is full of whine. If you don't like it, don't buy it. No need to classify anyone who does buy it as some type of mental defective just because you can't see the worth. That just makes you a sad, sad person.
This thread is full of whine. If you don't like it, don't buy it. No need to classify anyone who does buy it as some type of mental defective just because you can't see the worth. That just makes you a sad, sad person.
Mashiki Amiketo wrote on Aug 5, 2011, 20:40:
Anyone else remember when the 'artbooks, cloth maps, figurines, etc' came with a normal boxed game? Yeah...
PropheT wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 11:48:Deathbishop wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 09:13:
You may not be into statues, but a lot of people are. Most other IP Factory statues go for about $250 but I wouldn't expect people here to know or care about such details.
The high quality statues people buy aren't PVC.
Deathbishop wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 09:13:
You may not be into statues, but a lot of people are. Most other IP Factory statues go for about $250 but I wouldn't expect people here to know or care about such details.
You may not be into statues, but a lot of people are. Most other IP Factory statues go for about $250 but I wouldn't expect people here to know or care about such details. Case in point:
Illumin wrote on Aug 6, 2011, 00:29:
Don't want it don't buy it its worth what ever someone pays for it. People pay 200 bucks for a pair shoes, 5.00 for a cup of coffee now days whats 150?
Hell you have people paying $500+for some max leveled guy in Wow with this months best gear on that will be outdated in 2 months. So you know they are still going to bank on a 150.00 CE.
Darth Guybrush wrote on Aug 5, 2011, 23:41:
When our dollar is stronger than the US?
The Half Elf wrote on Aug 5, 2011, 20:59:
Besides the statue there is no reason to buy the game, and even then the statue isn't worth it.