Beamer wrote on Apr 18, 2011, 11:54:
Can you really deny that this place is in a rut?
Yes and frankly the entire thing is offtopic and has nothing to do with some obvious trolls who are getting way more attention than they deserve. Some people might even view you always decrying the users and lauding the industry in such an obvious and loaded manner as it's own form of trolling but you're still allowed to post and aren't "ruining the site" or something.
q[Verno, you regularly try to take a reasonable attitude but get shouted down by "No, they just did it to screw me."
Hah, no one shouts me down. If someone trolls me I either have fun with it and make them look stupid or ignore it. You're getting bent out of shape over nothing, there are trolls everywhere. I'm on several larger communities and see it all the time, this place is no different. If it's so bad you can't possibly ignore it then there are plenty of alternatives, it's your loss. Either way making a ridiculous and antagonistic blogpost that makes you seem way too invested in this doesn't help anything.