Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million

Bethesda Softworks announces the "Successful Launch of Fallout: New Vegas," saying this success is reflected in the five million units they've shipped for Obsidian's RPG sequel. "We are delighted by the reception Fallout: New Vegas has received from fans around the world," said Vlatko Andonov, president of Bethesda Softworks. "Despite the large launch quantities for this title, we have already received substantial re-orders from our retail partners, underscoring the tremendous popularity of this highly entertaining game. We believe Fallout: New Vegas will be the 'must buy' title for gamers throughout the holiday season."
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 11, 2010, 19:53
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 11, 2010, 19:53
Nov 11, 2010, 19:53
Eldaron Imotholin wrote on Nov 9, 2010, 19:09:
You guys still playing Fallout: NV? I envy you guys... I got bored 20 hours in. Good game, though. Worth the dough, which means a fucklot these days.
I'm up to "only" about 50 hours. I have a friend IRL who is up to over 150 hours since release.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 9, 2010, 19:09
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 9, 2010, 19:09
Nov 9, 2010, 19:09
You guys still playing Fallout: NV? I envy you guys... I got bored 20 hours in. Good game, though. Worth the dough, which means a fucklot these days.
I thought Hollywood had hit rock buttom. Then this happened.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 9, 2010, 18:41
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 9, 2010, 18:41
Nov 9, 2010, 18:41
HugeJerk wrote on Nov 9, 2010, 07:00:
StingingVelvet wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 14:13:
Great news, Obsidian have shown they know Fallout, they GET Fallout. New Vegas is such a treat, I hope they make another at some point.
I'm hoping Zenimax brings them into the fold at some point. Obsidian's writing, id's technical know-how, and Bethesda's ambitious designs (world wise anyway) could prove to be a formidable combination.

If three top grade studios would ever work together on a single game, sure. But that's not really very likely to happen. :\

That said, I'm already happy at the rumors that Bethesda's next game will use the RAGE engine, instead of Gamebryo.

Carmack engine >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shitty engine.

Avatar 15604
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 9, 2010, 17:05
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 9, 2010, 17:05
Nov 9, 2010, 17:05
Kosumo wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 17:41:
Hey MrJolly, don't be scared to post again, the more opinions on the topics, the better

I was a/am a long time lurker too! (bet there are heaps of longtime daily readers who have never posted)

hehehe yea. I know a lot of people that lurk and don't post....they have more self control then the rest of us!
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 9, 2010, 17:03
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 9, 2010, 17:03
Nov 9, 2010, 17:03
MrJolly wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 16:50:
I played 50 hours into fo3 only to find I couldn't finish the game on any of my three saves and I tried all of them playing for hours more than the base 40. Think it was 'waters of life' or something where all the npcs were locked behind a door which should have been open. I tried all cheat codes to carry on, but nothing worked. I spent ages on forums trying to fix the crock of shit. It is why I have not purchased fonv, because no matter how pants the ending was in fo3, I never got to see it for myself and I fucking hated the publishers / devs who shipped it in that state for it. I would rate it as my worst gaming experience.

I have played many shit games, and you walk away voluntarily, delete from hard disk and never re-install. Fo3 I liked. I really wanted to play it through and it shat on me. I have never played a game before with bugs which prevented a game from being completed.

I will wait until patches come out and the game is reduced in price, and only then will i consider purchasing. I refuse to pay full price for the sequel to a game which drove me mad and left me feeling I had wasted so much time.

I dont normally post, I just lurk on the blues forums. But I read daily and have done for probably 10 years or more.

Edit: And if its the same xXBatmanXx, I remember you from dods - [MrDoDS] Jolly

Hay bud good to see ya!

Did you try the hack that allows you to blow open any door? (sry this is late, was clickin on threads on the left that have grown large)
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 9, 2010, 07:00
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 9, 2010, 07:00
Nov 9, 2010, 07:00
StingingVelvet wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 14:13:
Great news, Obsidian have shown they know Fallout, they GET Fallout. New Vegas is such a treat, I hope they make another at some point.
I'm hoping Zenimax brings them into the fold at some point. Obsidian's writing, id's technical know-how, and Bethesda's ambitious designs (world wise anyway) could prove to be a formidable combination.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 9, 2010, 01:26
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 9, 2010, 01:26
Nov 9, 2010, 01:26
I'm happy for them because even though there are numerous bugs and flaws this is a very entertaining game with a mountain of content. Not encountered any show stopping bugs however in more than 50 hours play and it's the best game I've played this year without a doubt.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 22:24
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 22:24
Nov 8, 2010, 22:24
I felt the same way about the Fallout 3, but as for New Vegas I can't agree. This time factions feels lively and engaging, thanks to so much informations/actions/scripted event you get from various side quests. There's almost no simple "get me some molerat meat, I give you 100 caps and we are done" type of quests. In many cases quests deeply reflect current state of quest giver's factions and there's step you must take to earn their trust.

Did you hear the folks you passes by praise you for taking back camp Nelson?, or eliminating Fiends boss? I surely had sense of achievement on those.

This comment was edited on Nov 8, 2010, 23:51.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 20:05
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 20:05
Nov 8, 2010, 20:05
It has been my experience that people on the internet have a way of exaggerating how buggy a game is by several orders of magnitude. I have seen truly broken games, and I have seen games that need a few serious patches to get up to snuff. There's a stark difference. I say good for Bethesda - I hope a large slice of that 5 mil was for PC.

"The assumption that animals are without rights, and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance, is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 19:16
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 19:16
Nov 8, 2010, 19:16
NicklePop wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 15:07:
IMO this is bar-none the best Fallout game ever made.

Great level of depth, characters, world, graphics, options, dialogue.


I can't remember the name of any of the NPCs, other than Benny. Oh, and Mr House. I speak to the NPC, do their quest, then never speak to them again, unless I confuse them with someone else as most of the NPC's look the same.

There's a fair bit of dialogue, but it doesn't feel particularly relevant, most characters just waffle on about things that seem to have no relevance to the game world itself.

The story lacks depth, it feels like there's absolutely NO repercussions to any choices I make, and the game somehow manages to make me feel like a teenage message boy with no importance in the world. The factions feel very detached from one another, and I've never felt any kind of attachment to any of them or their goals.

the problem with games like Fallout New Vegas is that the world is so big, and everything is so spread out, that it feels vague, and lacks focus. It lacks any sense of acheivement.

Don't get me wrong, its a good game, and I enjoyed my time with it, I just feel its lacking in key areas.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 18:38
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 18:38
Nov 8, 2010, 18:38
The Half Elf wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 17:55:
Let me say this very bluntly... the days of Black Isle have long sailed. Obsidian may have the majority of Black Isle employee's, they simple don't have the 'ohh/ahhh' Black Isle had.
Btw.. wasn't it Bioware who wrote the book?
Guess you haven't played NWN2 or anything.

No bioware didn't write the book, but they did refine some ideas already floating around.
"For every human problem,
there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong."
--H.L. Mencken
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 18:35
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 18:35
Nov 8, 2010, 18:35
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 18:16
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 18:16
Nov 8, 2010, 18:16
Man, I am stoked to get this game eventually! I shied away from F3 after frequenting NMA and oh boy I did not want to play it after that...but then I recently saw the GOTY for sale and said fuck it. I modded the shit out of it (MMM, FWE, etc) and now holy shit I am having a fucking blast! Love the weather mods adding dust storms and rain. Unbelievable when its dark, and a thunderstorm unleashes flashes of lightning and LOUD thunder. Scary stuff.

And I have the DLC to look forward to as well, followed by NV. Life is grand.
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 18:04
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 18:04
Nov 8, 2010, 18:04
I'm about 80 hours in after restarting around the 25 hour mark in my first game.
To date I've had a couple of script/quest issues, but nothing that was game breaking by any means, along with 3 ctd's, that all happened around the same area of the map. I updated my video drivers (which I hadn't done in months) and it all worked fine again from there.
The only slow down I've experienced is when there are some 20-30 npc's on screen it can get a bit chuggy.

Other than those few small problems, the game has worked a treat. I've had it open for over 12 hours at one point without a problem.

I'm glad they've sold a good amount of copies and I hope it means they'll consider another FO game in the near future. But I'm still pissed at them upping the price on steam here in AU from $50 to $90. I picked it up from ozgameshop.com for $40, and had to suffer a 10 day wait for delivery
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 17:55
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 17:55
Nov 8, 2010, 17:55
Mashiki Amiketo wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 17:22:
StingingVelvet wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 14:13:
Great news, Obsidian have shown they know Fallout, they GET Fallout. New Vegas is such a treat, I hope they make another at some point.
Obsidian wrote the book on modern CRPG's. ~90% of the people at Obsidian are the same people who were at Black Isle. They wrote FO/2, IWD/2, PS:Torment. So I really would expect them to get it.

Let me say this very bluntly... the days of Black Isle have long sailed. Obsidian may have the majority of Black Isle employee's, they simple don't have the 'ohh/ahhh' Black Isle had.
Btw.. wasn't it Bioware who wrote the book?
Avatar 12670
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 17:51
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 17:51
Nov 8, 2010, 17:51
Good, it deserves it. Fantastic game.

Now patch it, please.

Edit : Welcome, MrJolly.


This comment was edited on Nov 8, 2010, 17:57.
Avatar 15604
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 17:41
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 17:41
Nov 8, 2010, 17:41
Hey MrJolly, don't be scared to post again, the more opinions on the topics, the better

I was a/am a long time lurker too! (bet there are heaps of longtime daily readers who have never posted)
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 17:33
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 17:33
Nov 8, 2010, 17:33
Woo hoo, wtg Obsidian! Cake
Scorpio Slasher: ... What about you boy, what do hate?
Marcus: ... Bullies. Tiny d*ck egotists who hurt people for no reason, make people lock their doors at night. People who make general existence worse, people like you.
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 17:27
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 17:27
Nov 8, 2010, 17:27
Annex wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 16:55:
Yep, plenty of posts (and fixes) dealing with people having bad/old codecs installed (like ffdshow) that mess the game up. While certainly the developer cant test the game with every codec type and version out there, one would hope they wouldnt make the game reliant on what codec the user had installed on their system.
Uh. If you're having problems because you're not using the default codecs that's your problem, and not a bug. But a failure of the end user to know what the fuck they're supposed to be doing.

AKA you're an idiot who installs everything but can't configure it to save their life.
"For every human problem,
there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong."
--H.L. Mencken
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million
Nov 8, 2010, 17:22
Re: Fallout: New Vegas Ships 5 Million Nov 8, 2010, 17:22
Nov 8, 2010, 17:22
StingingVelvet wrote on Nov 8, 2010, 14:13:
Great news, Obsidian have shown they know Fallout, they GET Fallout. New Vegas is such a treat, I hope they make another at some point.
Obsidian wrote the book on modern CRPG's. ~90% of the people at Obsidian are the same people who were at Black Isle. They wrote FO/2, IWD/2, PS:Torment. So I really would expect them to get it.
"For every human problem,
there is a neat, simple solution;
and it is always wrong."
--H.L. Mencken
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