Current state of Harpoon Ultimate Edition
After 3.7.0 release: 080 Issues reported
After 3.8.0 Patch: (080 Issues - 34 Fixed + 88 New) = 134 Issues
After 3.9.0 Patch: (134 Issues - 31 Fixed + 68 New) = 171 Issues
After 3.9.2 Patch: (171 Issues - 15 Fixed + 35 New) = 191 Issues
After 3.9.3 Patch: (191 Issues - 19 Fixed + 15 New) = 187 Issues
After 3.9.4 Patch: (187 Issues - 46 Fixed + 68 New) = 209 Issues
After 3.10. Release: (209 Issues - 71 Fixed + 95 New) = 233
A comprehensive third-party list of 233 * Known Harpoon [ANW] Issues
has been exhaustively collected on HarPlonkHQ since the release of
Harpoon ANW 3.7.0 Now that 3.10 has been released, the list has been
checked to see what has changed.