So I should buy all games at full price, regardless of how much I feel they are worth? If I buy a game during a Steam sale, is that morally unacceptable?
No you creepster, you pay how much the person that owns it is charging. If you do not feel it is worth what they are charging you wait. And while you wait
you do not play it. God. This is why you're sociopathic. And, like most sociopaths, you don't realize it.
End result: Publisher and/or developer gets the same amount of money at the same time.
But Customer A got the value of the game when it was full price, yet he didn't pay for it until it wasn't full price. THIS IS THE PROBLEM! Jesus, man. Sociopathic. How can you not even acknowledge that this is wrong? That's my biggest complaint with you. If you said "it's a dick thing to do but I do it," fine, but like a sociopath you don't even see how this is a bad thing.
Your moral stance isn't based on the consequences of actions but merely the actions themselves. My moral stance is the complete opposite.
No, your moral stance is that you do whatever you want regardless of the obligations of your actions. If you play a game NOW you need to pay for it NOW at the price they're charging NOW. If you want to pay the price they're charging LATER then you pay for it LATER and you play it LATER.
Christ. You're not entitled to play it, decide how much it's worth, and pay when it gets there. If everyone had the same self-centered, sociopathic moral stance you do the entire industry would fall apart. Of course, you're insane enough to support that happening, but it'd be chaos. A game would come out and no one would buy it. Why? Because they're waiting for the price to fall while they play it anyway. Of course, the net result is the price would NEVER fall and the honest customers get screwed.
I can't say it enough: you're a sociopath. Your actions, and failure to realize they're wrong, makes you a dictionary definition. It's not that you don't care that it's wrong, it's that you don't think it's wrong at all.