Meanwhile your bank charges you hidden fees, as well as your phone company, your isp, and all the others.
And this is relevant to you enjoying video games without rewarding the people that worked years to make them, despite them charging, how?
Blame the poor guy without a job... not the rich banking jews ruling the government and mega corps.
You don't have a job because you're a lazy, entitled racist that likely has no skills beyond sitting on a couch in mom's basement pirating professional audio software. It isn't the rich keeping you down, it's your own flaws.
Blame the 98% of poor people, not the 2% controlling the system.
We're blaming
you for piracy
you committed.
Man, when you kill mom after she nags you to get off her couch, are you going to be like a Menendez and say it was her fault you killed her? Maybe it's society's fault? Of course it isn't
your fault. Why take responsibility for your actions when you can blame everyone around you!