ArenaNet has word on plans to show off
Guild Wars 2 on the gaming convention circuit this summer, which will give attendees the chance for some hands-on time with the MMORPG sequel. They outline plans to show the game at San Diego Comic-Con (July 22-25), gamescom (August 19-22), and PAX Prime (September 3-5). They also explain why they are not showing the game at E3: "We are NOT going to be on the floor at E3. We really have mixed feelings about E3. On the one hand it can be a great centralized way to meet press and retailers. On the other hand, it’s anti-fan. As the marketing guy, if I’m going to spend a boatload of money on a booth, videos, props, etc., I want to be able to share it with the folks who’ll geek-out on it the most – the fans! IMO, E3 could steal a page from gamescom, which is a combination of a civilized business/industry area and a showy exhibit hall that’s open to consumers. If they did that, E3 would be a no-brainer in my book." Thanks
Guild Wars 2 Slovenija.