Out of the Blue

I encountered a snag yesterday in my efforts at keeping Hudson the Wonder Dog's occasional dog-aggression curbed using a muzzle. She's not wild about wearing it, but tolerates it for the most part, and it has definitely helped prevent scuffles, but with temperatures around here hitting the 80s lately (we have a brush fire alert today - you'd think it was southern California, or something), the muzzle is impeding her ability to properly pant in the heat. I realized this when I saw her running along with her tongue poking out through the end of the muzzle trying to cool off. I guess I'm going to have to keep her on a leash on really hot days.

Muzzled Links: Thanks Ant and Mike Martinez.
Play: Azgard Defence.
enDice. Thanks Digg.
Links: Crazy Food Abominations.
The All-Star Big-Screen Baseball Team.
Stories: Tina Fey Reveals ConanGate-esque 30 Rock Finale Plot Twist.
New Komodo Dragon Relative Discovered. Thanks theAntiELVIS.
Science: Fossil find shows Velociraptor eating another dinosaur.
21 critical future NASA missions.
Breast-Feeding Study: 900 Lives And Billions Of Dollars Could Be Saved Annually. Thanks Acleacius.
Images: Left 4 Dead Easter Eggs. No, Literally.
'Arrested Development' meets 'Star Wars' fan art. Thanks Digg.
Circuit Board Shoes.
Media: Girl Trips After Wisdom Teeth Removal. Thanks Digg.
Tiger Ballet. I think that's Chester Cheetah.
Math Class Shadow.
The Funnies: xkcd- Hell.
Follow-up: Scooter-mounted flamethrowers apparently illegal in UK. Thanks Digg.
Touring The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Site In 2010.
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Apr 7, 2010, 15:08
BF:BC2 Apr 7, 2010, 15:08
Apr 7, 2010, 15:08
Pick it up yesterday. Is it me or is dying, a lot, common place in this game? I remember being much better at FPS games. I'm shooting at enemies at point-blank range, and leading my shots, and sniping enemies in the head. When the kill-cam shows the target their health is 9%, 22%, 54% and so forth so I know I'm hitting them, but why aren't they dying? Do they have some sort of armor buff?!

Aside from that the fully destructible maps are AWESOME! It's amazing to watch your base get completely owned by tank artillery and aerial bombardments. Even mortar blasts leave "holes" in the terrain.
"Listen, Peter... with great horsepower comes... the sickest drifts..." - source
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Apr 7, 2010Apr 7 2010
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Apr 8, 2010Apr 8 2010
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