Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced

Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive announce Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, planned for release in the fourth quarter of this year, offering an updated and expanded version of Blood Bowl, the fantasy-themed sports game based on the tabletop game of the same name. There is word on this on the official Blood Bowl Website, we have some Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition screenshots, and here's a bit from the announcement: "Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition is the ultimate Blood Bowl edition! 12 new playable races join the 8 races already available in the 2009 edition. Thus, Blood Bowl fans will find all their favourite races from the original board game. Undeads, Amazons, Ogres and 9 other races enter Blood Bowl's tournaments. All 20 races have their personal style, tactics and unique skills which give each game a diversity rarely seen in a strategy game."
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Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 14:42
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 14:42
Apr 2, 2010, 14:42
The most frustrating part of the game is watching the computer hit every single die roll, 10-12 dodges in a row, to score a two turn passing touchdown; then, on your turn, your 3 attack dice come up "attacker down", "attacker down", "attacker down". So you use a re-roll and get "attacker down", "attacker down", "both down".

And it's not like it hides its cheating from you. It shows the die rolls in the log. (9 consecutive lines of "need 4+ -> rolled 5" is more than a little conspicuous) Bastards.

But still, it's all I ever could've asked for in a BB game. Faithful repro of the current rules for boardgame. (Having an original red box ruleset would've been icing...)
Apr 2, 2010Apr 2 2010
   Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010Apr 2 2010
Apr 2, 2010Apr 2 2010
Apr 2, 2010Apr 2 2010
Apr 2, 2010Apr 2 2010