Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced

Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive announce Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition, planned for release in the fourth quarter of this year, offering an updated and expanded version of Blood Bowl, the fantasy-themed sports game based on the tabletop game of the same name. There is word on this on the official Blood Bowl Website, we have some Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition screenshots, and here's a bit from the announcement: "Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition is the ultimate Blood Bowl edition! 12 new playable races join the 8 races already available in the 2009 edition. Thus, Blood Bowl fans will find all their favourite races from the original board game. Undeads, Amazons, Ogres and 9 other races enter Blood Bowl's tournaments. All 20 races have their personal style, tactics and unique skills which give each game a diversity rarely seen in a strategy game."
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Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 9, 2010, 11:38
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 9, 2010, 11:38
Apr 9, 2010, 11:38
"It leaves blood pools/stains when players get severely injured and lie on the ground, I believe.

Don't let something like this keep you from playing a fantastic game."

True. I'll keep that in mind.

After reading all the comments I feel compelled to check it out. It sounds like a cult-classic game worthy of the title of an all-time favorite.
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 22:02
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 22:02
Apr 2, 2010, 22:02
BB has definitely changed from the first edition rules. I'd have to dig them out of the attic to check but I seem to remember downs and setting up on the line of scrimmage and a lot of other things that really slowed the game down.

Considering that the original rules were pretty much WFB with a ball on the field, play moved pretty slow.

You'll look long and hard before you find someone as curmudgeonly as I am but I think the rules have moved in a good direction. It's a great game for getting together with some guys, drinking a few beers and cutting loose.

I highly encourage the table top version, Cyanide's version gets a reserved thumbs up, in spite of broken rules, missing teams, lack of local league play with real human beings and several other things but it IS your best bet for squeezing in a game on your lunch break or when you can't get some guys together.
Avatar 4297
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 20:46
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 20:46
Apr 2, 2010, 20:46
Flatline wrote on Apr 2, 2010, 16:49:
You're playing a n00b team I can tell. The game does feel that way until you start leveling up your team. The block skill is vital. On your example, the "both down" wouldn't knock you down and you'd get to continue.
It's not so much as the whole game feels that way, it's more the freak occurrence. And it's also not so much my team affecting it, it's the CPU rolling quite literally nine natural 5's (ie before modifier) in a row, as documented by the log window.

The attack example I used was just to illustrate the crap quality of my dice rolls in comparison...

As for block, it has generally second or third on my list of upgrades. (I've just been playing a single player Chaos army and get 'Hideous Appearance' as my first up, purely for flavour reasons. )

Note: I played the crap out of my red box copy (effectively v1.0 of the rules) and all but gave up when the first styrofoam-board version came out. The game feels a bit dumbed down from what I remember(probably just age kicking in...) but it's still loads of fun.

Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 18:03
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 18:03
Apr 2, 2010, 18:03
Once you've played a few games playing the AI is roughly the same as hitting a big red button labeled "WIN!" over and over.

Nothing like watching a team of wood elves cage up with the ball in their own half and try to grind downfield...
Avatar 4297
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 16:49
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 16:49
Apr 2, 2010, 16:49
s[caught] wrote on Apr 2, 2010, 14:42:
The most frustrating part of the game is watching the computer hit every single die roll, 10-12 dodges in a row, to score a two turn passing touchdown; then, on your turn, your 3 attack dice come up "attacker down", "attacker down", "attacker down". So you use a re-roll and get "attacker down", "attacker down", "both down".

You're playing a n00b team I can tell. The game does feel that way until you start leveling up your team. The block skill is vital. On your example, the "both down" wouldn't knock you down and you'd get to continue.

I used to feel the same way until I got into the game a little further and my team started actually doing well.
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 15:47
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 15:47
Apr 2, 2010, 15:47
Blood bowl is awesome, and the existing PC game does a good job of replicating that, but be aware that this game is very sloppily coded. This is unfortunately typical of anything Cyanide has put out. Lots of bugs, poor UI, ridiculous load times for the graphics level, etc.
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 15:24
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 15:24
Apr 2, 2010, 15:24

Seriously, if you ever have had a turn-based die-rolling bone in your body, this game is awesome.

One of my best friends, who is a huge table-top geek, described this as "the most fun he's ever had playing a turn-based game."

I particularly recommend picking it up if you have at least one friend who's into similar BBManager (free) and set up a little private league for bragging rights.

I'm currently hosting the Schadenfreude Cup - a 4 team vs 4 team cross-divisional brawl. We'll probably be playing this one tourney out until this expansion goes gold.

Ifriti Sophist

DISCLAIMER - If you can't stand turn-based games and don't know the singular form of "dice" then don't get this game. If you can't stand watching one of your star players fumble a Go-for-It roll, trip, break his neck, and be maimed or killed to death because Nuffle hates you, then don't get this game. If you don't understand how playing a Goblin team and losing could be more fun than playing some "serious" team and winning, this game probably isn't for you.
Avatar 54497
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 14:50
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 14:50
Apr 2, 2010, 14:50
This game does look like a blast.
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Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 14:42
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 14:42
Apr 2, 2010, 14:42
The most frustrating part of the game is watching the computer hit every single die roll, 10-12 dodges in a row, to score a two turn passing touchdown; then, on your turn, your 3 attack dice come up "attacker down", "attacker down", "attacker down". So you use a re-roll and get "attacker down", "attacker down", "both down".

And it's not like it hides its cheating from you. It shows the die rolls in the log. (9 consecutive lines of "need 4+ -> rolled 5" is more than a little conspicuous) Bastards.

But still, it's all I ever could've asked for in a BB game. Faithful repro of the current rules for boardgame. (Having an original red box ruleset would've been icing...)
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 13:13
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 13:13
Apr 2, 2010, 13:13
I forgot about this game. Looks good.

I like the Skaven -- they seem sort of original compared to the usual elves and orcs and dwarves.
- DrDel
Avatar 10723
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 11:27
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 11:27
Apr 2, 2010, 11:27

Your mileage may vary, but I get an enormous amount of satisfaction from the swirling stars, red crosses, and floating skulls.


The game's not about gore - it's about tactics.

Ifriti Sophist
Avatar 54497
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 11:20
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 11:20
Apr 2, 2010, 11:20
It leaves blood pools/stains when players get severely injured and lie on the ground, I believe.

Don't let something like this keep you from playing a fantastic game.
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Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced
Apr 2, 2010, 10:51
Re: Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition Announced Apr 2, 2010, 10:51
Apr 2, 2010, 10:51
Does anyone know if they made the game even remotely satisfying with gore akin to the Mutant League Series?

Despite the awesome sounding concept, I couldn't shake the feeling (especially with the strange lack of *any* of the violence taking place in the screenshots) that they completely fucked over any notworthy goriness.

You gotta hate it when people say "Blood bowl! The bloodiest football game to ever unleash bone-crunching carnage onto your PC!" and stuff like that, only to leave you with a piece of shit that only flashes some red on the screen on contact.


This shit reminds me of making a Mortal Kombat movie that doesn't have any blood or gore at all!
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