You mean those weren't fixed in the expansion pack which shipped 10 months after the release of the game and 4 months after they dropped support for the core product?
I mean exactly that. DICE just patched BF2 and it was a four year old game, but Crytek doesn't even come anywhere near that. The small patches they put out don't do very much and ignore the serious flaws. Crytek is among the worst of the worst in this regard, imo.
This new MMO game makes me cringe because of their established and consistent track record stands opposed to what supporting a successful MMO absolutely demands. Squashing bugs, high framerate gameplay, tracking/banning hackers, etc etc etc.. Crytek fails for solid MP gameplay. Don't expect that to change.
They should hire me.
This comment was edited on Jan 29, 2010, 22:35.
Perpetual debt is slavery.